Ch. 18

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* This Chapter has some Tony x Peter I hope you all enjoy!*

It  has been a week since The police informed Loki about his mother, they still don't know who did it but Odin wasn't a suspect anymore. So Thor and Loki lived together. Loki had gotten along with his friends well.. besides Clint. Thor woke up to see Loki sleeping on his chest. It was the day before the prom, and Thor arranged a day for them to go shopping with him and his friends.

"Loki," Thor gently shook him awake. "Come on, we are going shopping for prom."

"No.." Loki moved so he was on top of thor. "We are going to stay home."

"No, we promised Tony to help him pick out a tux and you were going to help Nat with her dress."

"Ugg." Loki sat up so he was sitting on Thor's hips. "Fine." Thor smiled and pulled Loki down for a kiss. Loki pulled away and got up.

"Loki," Thor stood up. 


"I love you." Loki Laughed.

"You say that all the time!"

"I know, but still."

"I love you too you big olf!" They got dressed and hopped on Thor's motorcycle, both wereing helemts, and headed to the mall.

*At Mall*

When Thor and Loki got to the food court they say Bruce Banner, Natasha Rommanoff, Steve Rogers, his friend Bucky, and Tony.

"About time you guys got here!" Tony walked over. 

"Sorry," Loki rolled his eyes. Tony looked up and saw Peter Parker, a freashman who is in his science class, eating a sandwitch. His face began to heat up. "Tony?" Thor walked to talk with everyone and Loki stood next to Tony and saw Peter.

"Oh yes?" Tony snapped out of his dase and looked at Loki.

"Dose someone have a crush?" Loki smirked as Peter looked up and waved at tony.

"Hey Tony!" He called. Tony's face went red as he waved back.

"You know... if you like someone," Loki put a hand on his shoulder. "You should go tell them."

"I guess youre right.." Tony smiled at Loki and walked over to Peter.

"Well," Thor came behind Loki and placed a hand on his hips. "I never knew you could give relationship advise." Loki smacked Thor and smiled.

*With Tony and peter*

"Hey Peter." Tony sat next to him. Peter's face started to get hot. "I was wondering... are you going to the prom?"

"Nah... i have no one to go with." 

"oh.." Tony looked a little down. "Never mind then.." Tony got up. "See you Monday." He started to walk away.

"What?!" Peter got up and followed Tony and grabbed his wrist to stop him from walking. "What were you going to ask me?"

"I was going to ask if you would like to come with me..." Tony's face became red. 

"YES!" Peter jumped up and hugged Tony. "YES I WOULD LOVE TO GO WITH YOU!"

*With Loki*

"I knew he could do it." Loki watched and laughed as Tony was takled down to the ground by Peter.

"Come on Loki!" Thor pulled Loki's wrist. Loki laughed and followed. 

Thor x Loki: Struck By LightningWhere stories live. Discover now