Ch. 23 (The Final chapter)

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*2 years after prom,year 2020*

"Thor," Loki gently shook Thor awake. "Come on it's graduation day!" It's been two years since Loki found out Jane killed his mom. And he was doing great. He has Thor living with him, they go to school, he goes and visits his mom everyday, updating her on his relationship with Thor.

"No..." Thor smirked and wrapped his arms around Loki's waist.

"Hey!" Thor pulled Loki down on top of him.

"I want to cuddle more..." Thor smiled into Loki's hair. Loki smiled and hugged Thor.

"Come on," Loki got up and tried to pull Thor up. Then Thor's phone rang. Thor growled and answered it.

"Hello?" Thor yawned. "Oh Yes!" Thor got up and ran to the kitchen. 

"Thor?" Loki stood up. No... Not again! Not after two years... 

"Yes Lets meet before the graduation to make plans." Thor smiled and pulled out a small box and smiled. "I am sure he will love it." Loki didn't hear a thing. he sat in the room and started quietly sobbing. Thor came back up and saw Loki crying. "Loki?"

"Who is it?" Loki chocked on tears.

"What are you talking about?" Thor sat next to Loki.

"I'm not stupid. Every time you get a phone call you leave." Loki glared at Thor. "Who is it now?" 

"Loki," Thor grabbed his hand. "I am not seeing anyone else. I was on the Phone with Tony."

"Then why do you leave?" 

"Uhm..." Shit i can't tell him. "It's a surprise."

"Sure.." Loki pulled his hand away from Thor and walked into the bathroom.

"Loki!" Thor opened the door to see Loki on the ground crying. "Please Believe me."


"Because I love you." Thor grabbed Loki's hand and helped him up.  "And the Suprise is for you."




"You'll find out after Graduation." Loki smiled and kissed Thor on the lips.

"Im sorry for jumping to conclusion."

"It's ok." Thor smiled and Hugged Loki. "Now lets get ready for graduation."

*30 minute later*

The Arena was beautiful. Parents, friends, staff, and Students filled the seats. 

"Lady's and Gentleman, congratulate the class of 2020!" Princeple Fury called through a microphone. One by one every student got a diploma. 

*After everyone got their diplomia*

Thor walked back on stage and whispered something in Fury's ear. Fury nodded and handed him the microphone

"12 years ago i met My boyfriend" Thor smiled down at Loki. "We were the best of friends for 10 years. And after a few insidents, i finally found out he liked me more then a friend. We took a 3 week break after a isident happened and then we were together again. we have been together for 2 years and known each other for 12." Tony dragged Loki on stage. "And i know i can't live without you." Thor went down on his knee and pulled out a box. he opened it to reveal a gold ring with a emeraled in the center. "Loki Laufeyson, Will you marry me?" Loki felt tears come out of his eyes.

"Yes!" Loki nodded. "Yes Thor I will!" Thor Put the ring on and Loki tackled him and Kissed him.

"You remeber when i stayed to talk with your mom?" Loki nodded. "Well i was asking her permision to ask you to marry me."

"Classic." Loki kissed him again. 

"I love you Loki."

"I love you too." Loki smiled. "Question: Why did you ask me to marry you? We are only 18."

"Lets say i was Struck By lightning."

The End

Thank you all for reading.  There will be a second book and it will be about their life after they got married.

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