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*I don't own any characters*

Thor brought Loki to the nurses office and layed him on a bed.

"Thor Odinson, what happened?!" Nurse Lilly asked as she ran to Loki's side.

"Tony Stark and Clint Barton beat the living daylights out of him... Because of me..." Nurse Lilly wasn't going to ask anymore and sent Thor on his way while she took care of Loki.

*with Thor*
Thor sat at a empty lunch table with his lunch and began to draw.
*see the picture*
Thor would never emit it but he did fall in love with his best friend. He never thought Loki felt the same way so he dated girls to help him get over his feelings. Nothing worked. That's the reason he ignored Loki. He couldn't handle his feelings. He continued to doddle when someone covered his eyes.

"Guess who?"  He heard a female voice.

"What Jane?" He sighed. Jane sat next to him and looked at his drawing.

"What the hell are you drawing?" Thor realised she saw his doddle and blushed. "Is there something you aren't telling me?" Thor sighed.

"Jane..." Thor started. "I don't love you anymore... I love someone else. Its not your fault it's mine." Jane slapped him.

"You Bastered!" Jane yelled. The whole lunch room got quite. "Your dumping me because you have a crush on your best friend!?" Thor stayed quite. Then all of a sudden Jane walks to a figure standing in the door way. "I hate you. You took him and poisoned his mind!" She slapped Loki in the face. "You will pay for this!" She ran out crying.
*Loki's Mind*
What did she say?!
Loki looked at Thor and saw Thor looking back blushing. What did he do now?

Thor x Loki: Struck By LightningWhere stories live. Discover now