Ch. 4.5 (how they met)

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*10 years ago*
Loki Laufison sat on the slide reading his book. The young 6 year old black haired, emerald green eyed boy sat alone like he always does, reading... Not giving a care to the world, until Clint Barton pushed him down the slide.

"Move freak!" Clint came Down after he pushed him down. As Clint came to the end of the slide he pushed Loki off into the wood chips.

"Clint..." Natasha Romanoff said from the top of the slide. "I think you went a bit to far." Clint snorted. And pushed Loki,who finally stood up, back down into the wood chips.

"Leave him alone!" A voice came from the swings. Thor Odinson walked over to Clint and Loki and pushed Clint away from Loki. "No billing in this school." He gave his hand to Loki and helped him up. Clint snorted and walked away.

"Thank you..." Loki said as tears began to slip out. The Blond haired boy began to panic.

"What's wrong?!" Thor's Bright blue eyes stared into Loki's Emerald green eyes.

"No its not that... Its just your the only person to help me." Loki smiled at Thor. "Will you be my friend?" Thor smiled and put a arm around Loki's shoulders and smiled.

"If you will be mine!" Loki smiled and hugged Thor. Thor's heart began to race. What's this feeling? Eh, probably nothing. Thor thought. He shook the thought of and hugged Loki back.

Hey sorry for not a real chapter. But u gave you all a intro on how they met and became friends. Remember i don't own Marvel. If I did Loki wouldn't have died and him and Thor would be together

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