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Thor watched as Loki ran off. Shit! Thor ran after him... Were the the whole lunchroom left in shock.

*With Loki*
Loki sat on the field, in the pouring rain holding his chest. How could he do that?! He heard someone coming from behind him. As he turned his head, he made contact with Thor as Thor skidded next to Loki pulling him in a hug.

"I'm so sorry Loki!" Loki felt his heart break. He's sorry for the kiss? I knew it. Loki did his best to try and push Thor off but ended falling backwards and Thor had him pinned under him.

"Let me go!" Loki struggled, but Thor was just to big to move.

"Why did you run? I thought you felt the same way! At least that is what you said to Clint and Tony." Loki stopped struggling and looked into Thor's bright blue eyes.


"I was coming to find you this morning and I heard you."

"Fine so what?!" Loki felt tears escape. "It's not like you feel the same!"

"Seriously?!" Thor Crashed his lips onto Loki's again. "Then why would I kiss you in front of the whole lunchroom and break up with Jane!"

"So that's why she came up to me, slapped me, and say I poisoned your mind?" Thor nodded. "Can you release my wrist? It's starting to hurt."

'Oh... Right sorry." Thor let go of Loki's wrist, but didn't move off of him.

"How long?" Loki asked.

"Since we first meet, 10 years ago. I didn't understand until middle school tho." Loki looked into Thor's eyes again.

"Then why did you date all of those girls?" He felt tears trying to escape.

"I didn't think you felt the same!" Loki looked shocked. "I would have told you sooner... But I didn't want to lose you... Even tho I probably have.... I'm so sorry for this school year. I understand if you -" Loki cut him off by puling him in for a passionate kiss. It took Thor a second but then Kissed back. They were like this until they had to pull away for air.

"I'm glad." Loki smiled. "But no more ignoring me!" Thor smiled and got off Loki and helped him up. When Loki was standing Thor pulled him into another kiss.

"I promise. I am not ever ignoring you again!" Loki laughed and kissed Thor again. What they didn't know is that Jane was recording the whole thing. Since you broke my heart... I will ruin your reputation! And as for Loki... Clint and Tony can take care of him. Say goodbye to Loki Thor... I swear I will get my revenge

Thor x Loki: Struck By LightningWhere stories live. Discover now