Ch. 14

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* I want to thank you all for supporting me in my story! This is the longest story i have ever wrote. SO THANK YOU MY LOVELIES!*

Thor woke up in the Tub to see a naked Loki on top of his chest. His face turned red thinking back to what happened earlier. "Loki?" Thor shook his shoulders.

"What?" Loki asked Sleepy

"We need to get out of the tub." Loki sat up and resized they were still in the tub.

"Oh... Right..." Loki stood up and got out. he left to grab them towels. He returned and tossed Thor a towel. "Come on!" Thor stood up and saw he was weak in his knee's.

"Wow!" Thor fell back into the tub.

"Now you know how i feel!" Thor rolled his eyes and finally balanced himself and wrapped the towl around his waist. They walked (Well Thor stumbled) to Loki's room and got dressed. 

"Do you have any plans this evening?" Thor asked as he put on his shirt.

"Nope, you?" Loki sat on his bed and watched Thor brush his long Blond hair. "Um, should we cut your hair?"

"No," Thor held his hair. "No one touches my hair!" Loki smirked and walked over to Thor. He took some of Loki's hair and took it and placed it by his lips. "WHAT!?"

"Well i think i am the exception.." Thor and Loki laughed until Thor's phone rang. 

"One sec." Thor gabbed his phone and went down stairs. Not again! Loki followed Thor down stairs. "Yes.." Thor looked in the Mirror and fix his hair. "When do you want to meet?" Loki glared. "Our secret meeting place in park Livingston." Loki leaned in closer to hear a female voice on the other line. 

"Yes Thor.." It was Jane Foster. "And DON'T tell your little boyfriend. We need to talk." 

"Got it." Thor hung up and went into the fridge to get a soda. He put his phone in his pocket and began to walk back to the living room. "Loki!" He shouted Loki  ran to the steps to make it look like he came down.

"Yeah Thor?" Loki ran up to him.

"I got to go for a bit." Thor turned his eyes away for Loki.

"Why?" Loki looked down. Please don't lie to me.

"I just need to run some errands." Loki faked a smile and Thor kissed him on the Lips. "I Love you Loki." 

If you did you would just tell me the truth... "I love you too Thor." Loki waved as Thor left.

*5 minutes later*

Loki grabbed his jacket and headed to Livingston Park. It took about 5 minutes to walk. He looked around and finally saw Thor... but what he didn't expect was to see him Kissing Jane.


Thor x Loki: Struck By LightningWhere stories live. Discover now