Ch. 9

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Loki took Thor up the the master bathroom to clean him up.

"Thank you Loki," Thor stumbbled to the bathroom and sat on a chair that sat near the tub.

"your welc-HOLLY SHIT!" Loki removed the new shirt Thor put on and saw red, purple, and black bursies all over his chest and back.

"I know..."

"Why didnt you fight back?"

"What makes you think i didnt fight back?"

"I've known you for 10 years, and i know when you fight back, you come out with little to no injuries." Thor sighed. 


Thor Kissed Loki and walked to his front door. 

"Thor" Loki called carring Thor's shirt which he used to stop the bleeding on Loki's head. "Your shirt!"

"Keep it!" Thor walked into his house and saw his father. 'Loki's right. I should tell him.'

"Thor my son!" Odin stood up {He isn't old in my story. he is in his earlie 40's} and walked over to his son. 

"Father i have something to tell you..." Thor looked out the window and saw through Loki's widow and saw his mother happy.

"What is it son?" Odin looked very happy. "Did you finally tell that no good Loki  Laufeyson that you don't want to see him anymore?" 

"No."  Thor looked his father in the face. "Loki and I are dating!" 

"NO!" Odin threw his cup of coffee at thor's head. "NO YOU WILL NOT!" 

"and I broke up with Jane!" 

"YOU NO GOOD SON OF MINE!" Odin screamed while throwing things at his son. "I SET YOU UP WITH FINE WOMEN AND THEN YOU BREAK UP WITH A PERFECTLY NICE AND CHARMING GIRL? AND FOR WHAT! FOR THAT NO GO LOKI!" Odin walked up to his son and punched him in the face. Thor fell to the ground and let his father beat him. "WILL YOU STOP YOU FOOLISHNESS!"

'NEVER!" Thor yelled. "I WILL NEVER STOP LOVING LOKI! IVE LOVED HIM FOR SO LONG." Thor stood up and walked tworads the door. "I DON'T CARE IF YOU CANT ACCEPT IT! I LOVE HIM AND HE LOVES ME!" then Thor slammed the door.

Thor snapped out of his flashback when he felt cold lips kiss a bruise on his back.

"Loki?" Loki pulled away and Turned red.

"IM SORRY!" Thor laughed and hugged Loki. 

"Thank you Loki." Loki returned the hug. Frigga walked in on them.

"I will talk with your father Thor," Frigga brought him some of her soup she made for dinner. "Until then you can stay here. BUT NO CLOSED DOORS!" 

"Thank you Miss. Laufeyson."

"Call me Frigga." and she left.

"I like your mom."

"So do i Thor." Loki looked into Thors eyes and pulled him into a kiss. Thor Wrapped his arms around Loki's waist and kissed back. Frigga saw and smiled 

"He is finally happy again." Then she walked to the kitchen. The doorbell rang. She opened to see Odin standing with Jane. 

"Frigga." Odin said coldly.


"Where is my son!?"

I want to thank everyone again for supporting me. im back at school so next update most likely this weekend. Love you all ❤❤❤❤❤💕😘

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