Ch. 7

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It was finally the end of the school day and Thor waited at his bike for Loki. I wonder where he is? Thor heard a scream. "What the hell?" He ran and Saw Loki on the ground, And Clint had a baseball bat in hand.

"HOW COULD YOU?!" Clint shouted at Loki who was on the ground with tears running down his face. "JANE IS SO PISSED! AND SHE WANTS YOU DEAD!" Thor's face went pissed.

"Then why doesn't she kill me herself?" Clint took the bat and swung it down at Loki, but Thor grabbed Loki to his chest and the bat hit the sidewalk and broke.

"Thor?" Clint was shocked. "Why the hell are you here!"

"Because I hear you are trying to kill my boyfriend!" At this statement Loki's pale face became red. Thor picked Loki up and walked away from Clint. He walked to his motorcycle and sat Loki on it.

"Why did you do that Thor?" Loki looked down. Thor smiled and then removed his shirt. Loki looked up and saw Thor's abbs and turned Scarlett red. "THOR PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK ON!" Thor laughed and placed his shirt on Loki's cut on his forehead.

"You need it more then I do." Loki's face was still red but he also smiled.

"Thank you Thor." Thor smiled and hugged Loki. Loki hugged back.

30 minutes later.

Loki and Thor layed on the couch watching TV.

"Thor?" Loki stood up. Thor got up and faced Loki.

"Yes Loki?"

"Thank you again for today." Loki brought Thor down into a kiss and Thor immediately kissed back. They got interrupted by...

"LOKI? THOR?" Frigga walked through the door. "WHAT THE HELL?"

Well... This is going to be fun to explain

Thor x Loki: Struck By LightningWhere stories live. Discover now