Ch. 12

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Loki woke up to his alarm. He opened his eyes and stared at the blond who's chest he was sleeping on. Loki stood up but then fell back onto the bed.

"I told you you wouldn't be able to walk..." Thor's breath tickeled his ear.

"Then how are we going to get to school?"

"Go take a hot bath." Thor stood up and put his cloths back on.

"Wait how is it youre walking around just fine?" Loki growled

"Well I put my dick in you," Thor said matter of factly. "Not the other way around." Thor finished getting dressed and picked Loki up. "Come on, lets get that bath started for you."

*30 miniutes later*

Loki and Thor were walking to school holding hands. Thor wore a plain green shirt and black jeans and black sneakers. Loki weore a red jacket, black shirt and blue jeans with white sneakers.

"You sure you want to walk with me?" Loki looked down

"Of couse!" Thor stopped and turned Loki to look at him. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Your friends!" Loki looked over and Saw Steve Roggers talking with Bruse Banner and NAaasha Rommanoff.

"I don't care what they say." Thor grabbed Loki by the chin and kisses him Passiontly.

"Thor!" Steve called. "Stop Making out with your boyfriend and the two of you get over here!" Thor pulled away from Loki and dragged him over to Steve. Well.... this is going to be fun.

Thor x Loki: Struck By LightningWhere stories live. Discover now