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      *I don't own any characters*

Thor arrived at school and parked his motorcycle in the parking lot. I got to find Loki! He ran out of the parking lot and into the math building. He must be in his math class. Since that is where he likes to be before class starts. As he got to the 3rd floor of the math building he saw his friends Tony Stark and Clint Barton standing over a brused and bleeding Loki.

"Had enough yet Freak?" Tony kicked him again. "You should know that Thor would never return your feelings for him. He has Jane Foster. You are nothing."

"Why would anyone love a freak like you?" Clint snickered. Loki sat up, leaning against the lockers.

"No one would." Loki coughed blood. "I never expected Thor to feel the same..." Tony laughed as Loki fainted from the amount of blood he lost.

"Of course he wou-" he was cut off by Thor coming and punching him in the face.

"Leave Loki alone." Thor picked up Loki bridle style.

"You don't understand Thor. He likes you more the a friend." Clint said as he helped Tony up.

"I know." Thor began to walk to the nurses office. "I heard." He left.

Thor x Loki: Struck By LightningWhere stories live. Discover now