Ch. 8

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Loki and Thor pulled away from each other when They heard Frigga's Voice.

"Mom!?" Loki's face became really red. "I c-can explain." Actully he didn't know how to explain it. His mom walked in on him and his best friend Making- out on the couch in the living room. 

"I'M SO HAPPY!" She squiked. Thor and Loki looked confused. "I knew it would happen." She went into the kitien and began to make dinner for her and Loki. "Thor would you like to stay for dinner?"

"Thanks for the Offer, but i should get home..."Thor stood up. 

"Alright. Loki?" Frigga called from the counter. "Walk your boyfriend home!" Loki's face became red. Thor got up and helped Loki up. Loki walked out the door and Thor stopped him from going any further. 

"Whats wrong?" Loki asked as Thor looked down.

"I can't have my father knowing about us..." Loki felt his heart break.

"What Why?!" Loki felt tears escape his eyes. "Are you ashamed of being with me?!"

"What?!" Thor pulled Loki into a hug. "Of course not! I would scream it for the whole world to hear... besides my father." Loki looked down. "I can't tell him... because if i did... he would make sure we never see each other again! and we will never see each other again!" Loki looked into Thor's eyes and nodded. "You are so lucky your mom doesn't care. My father, if he could, would set me up with different women because he found out about my feelings towards you." Loki Sighed and Pulled Thor in for a kiss. "I Love you too much Loki!"

"I love you too." Loki kissed him again then watched as Thor went back to his house. He looked back at Thor and saw he only had his Jacket on. "THOR!" Thor turned. "YOUR SHIRT!" Thor smiled.

"Keep it!" Thor went into his house and Loki smiled. He walked back in and saw his mom had a goofy grin on his face.

"Im so happy Loki." Frigga walked and gave her son a hug. 

"Thanks Mom." then they sat down and ate.

*With Thor*

"YOU NO GOOD SON OF MINE!" Odin screamed while throwing things at his son. "I SET YOU UP WITH FINE WOMEN AND THEN YOU BREAK UP WITH A PERFECTLY NICE AND CHARMING GIRL? AND FOR WHAT! FOR THAT NO GO LOKI!" Odin walked up to his son and punched him in the face. Thor fell to the ground and let his father beat him. "WILL YOU STOP YOU FOOLISHNESS!"

'NEVER!" Thor yelled. "I WILL NEVER STOP LOVING LOKI! IVE LOVED HIM FOR SO LONG." Thor stood up and walked tworads the door. "I DON'T CARE IF YOU CANT ACCEPT IT! I LOVE HIM AND HE LOVES ME!" then Thor slammed the door.

*With Loki* 

Loki laid in his bed and smiled. 'what a great day... besides Tony and Clint.' then he heard his mom open then door.

"HOLLY SHIT THOR!" when Loki heard Thor's name he ran down the stairs. When he got to the door he saw Thor brusied and bleeding.

"Thor?" Loki put a hand on his swollen cheek. "What happened?"

"I told my father... and he didn't like it." Thor leaned into Loki's touch. "can I stay here?" Frigga looked at Thor then to her son.

"Of course dear." Frigga smiled. "BUT NO CLOSED DOORS WHEN IN A ROOM TOGETHER!" Thor laughed and Loki turned red. 


Thor x Loki: Struck By LightningWhere stories live. Discover now