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Jaebum only had two days left and Youngjae had something he wanted to do before the elder left.  Youngjae woke up early to make sure he had everything ready.  When he opened his bedroom door he began to creep across the living room only to trip on Jaebum's suitcase and fall loudly with a thud.

Youngjae froze looking over to Jaebum who was asleep on the couch in fear he had woken the other up.  Jaebum grumbled something before turning over and hugging his pillow tightly to his chest, he's cheeks squishing together almost giving him a fish face.

Youngjae did a small wiggle on the floor as he tried to contain his inner fangirl at how cute the other looked before getting up and glaring at the suitcase.  After making sure it wasn't going to attack him again he left and went into the kitchen.

A good hour later he had breakfast cooked just for the two of them.  He knew Mark wouldn't be around as the elder left to spend the night with Adrian last night and that gave Youngjae the perfect moment to confess.

He knew Jaebum wasn't into long distance relationships but if they started dating their relationship wouldn't change that much since they practically already acted like a couple.  Youngjae couldn't deny the way the other made his chest hurt and lips smile and he hoped the other felt the same way.

Youngjae set the food, which was just some simple but delicious looking pancakes with strawberries and chocolate chips on the table with a proud smile.

"What are you doing so early?"  Jaebum asked waddling up to Youngjae while yawning and rubbing his eyes.

Youngjae turned and smiled at Jaebum who instead of his usual darker clothing and stoic colder expression looked utterly confused with fluffy up bed head and a pair of sky blue pajama pants with a light pink hoodie that was way too big for him.

"You're adorable you know that?"  Youngjae said suddenly.

"What? I- thanks."  Jaebum said blushing and Youngjae laughed.

This was the one time he was the one in control while the other person was a flustered mess.  

"I made breakfast for you."  Youngjae said happily and Jaebum instantly smiled at the thought of food.

As they sat down and began eating Jaebum complimented Youngjae's cooking at least 12 different times in different ways.

"Stop talking with your mouth full!"  Youngjae yelled throwing his napkin across the table at Jaebum.

"You love it."  Jaebum mumbled chewing his pancake with a smirk.

"I don't... but I may just almost love you..  I really like you Jaebum."  Youngjae said decided that being subtle wasn't going to work in just 2 days.

Jaebum widened his eyes inhaling the rest of his pancake causing him to immidietly start coughing as his eyes watered.  Youngjae gasped running around the table and giving Jaebum water and patting the others back with force in hopes to dislodge the pancake.

After a few minutes of him still coughing horribly Youngjae ran away and Jaebum was finally able to get the pancake out of his throat.  After a few deep breaths and drinking almost the entire cup of water he sighed.

"Youngjae?"  He asked clearing his throat.

Youngjae came out of his bedroom with his phone in hand and wide eyes with tears on his cheeks.

"I called an ambulance.."  He mumbled and Jaebum widened his eyes.

"No!  Oh my god call them back i'm fine."  Jaebum said quickly and Youngjae widened his eyes more.

"I ALMOST KILLED YOU!"  He yelled and Jaebum stopped to just process everything.

Calmly stepping over to Youngjae he lifted his chin and smiled at the younger before wiping his tears away.

"I really like almost love you too Jae."  Jaebum said and Youngjae looked at him with wide eyes before hugging Jaebum tightly.

Jaebum held Youngjae securely for a few seconds before pulling back and sighing.

"We really should call back and cancel that ambulance though."  He said and Youngjae blushed rushing for his phone when a knock was on the door.

"We're the paramedics are you okay?!"  The person on the other said yelled and Youngjae widened his eyes.

"Oh my god go choke on something."  He whispered the Jaebum who just looked at him in surprise.

"I will not I-"  Jaebum stopped and just panicked.

"I'll play dead."  He said and he laid on the floor quickly.

Youngjae nodded before opening the door and letting them inside.


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