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i burnt my nose hair sniffing a candle ;-;

A splash of something cold and wet woke Youngjae.  Opening his eyes he found himself tied to a chair soaking wet.  A man stood in front of him holding an empty bucket with a bored expression as he sighed.

"The lover boy is awake."  He said turning to talk to someone that Youngjae couldn't see.

Lover boy?  Awake?  Where the hell was he?

Looking just past the man he saw Adrian who was also tied to a chair and soaking wet, their eyes locked and Adrian cried against the cloth that blocked his mouth.

"What is happening?"  Youngjae asked, confused as to why his mouth wasn't gagged like Adrian's.

"We made a deal... and you were the part of it."  The man said with an uncaring glance.

He seemed bored, almost looking like a teenage super market employee that just wanted to go home... but he was some maniac that kidnapped someone?!

"Someone else deal with them, I don't get paid enough for this shit."  He said before walking off.

Soon someone entered the room and Adrian recognized him.

"SoJoon!!"  He screamed, it was incredibly muffled from his gag but Youngjae made out what he was saying.

"What do you want?"  Youngjae asked his expression hard but he was close to throwing up from sheer fear.

"I want to watch Mr. Im fall... but things don't always work out so... we made a deal.  I get his son, and destroy him.. By destroying the boy the old man will die alone with nothing but some cheap useless company to leave behind."  He spat at Youngjae his eyes glowing with insanity.

"SoJoon... you've lost your fucking mind!"  Youngjae yelled.

"Maybe... but soon enough Jaebum is going to rush in here to save you... and Adrian both.  He can't help but play the hero because he is so scared to take blame.  He can't possibly be the reason you two die... so he'll take your place.  If he doesn't... well."  SoJoon stopped and whistled.

Some men came into the room and dropped a bodies on the floor.  Adrian screamed loudly and Youngjae widened his eyes.


"Let him go.. Let Adrian go too, you don't need them.  You only need me to get Jaebum, don't waste your time hurting them."  Youngjae begged and SoJoon laughed.

"Hm you want to play the hero too?"  He whispered tracing a finger down Youngjae's cheek.

"Too... Too.. Bad."  He whispered before showing a small gun in his right hand and cocking it.

"So who wants to die first?"  He asked with a grin.

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