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Group Chat

Bookworm🐛: Bum did yo dad leave?

Bummie👀: fucking finally 🙄 I really hate that old man...

SmartiePants📚: then why did you agree to run his company expansion for him?

Bummie👀: long story

Butterflyking🦋: 👀👀👀👀

JaeBae🐶: I'm curious.. but DONT PRESSURE MY BABY

Yuggie🎵: ...? I think I know what this is about?

👑DabPrince👑: yeah babes it's about "her"

Bummie👀: do ya just wanna fucking tell everyone then???????

ButterflyPrince🦋: ... no you don't have to some things have to be private


JaeBae🐶: I'm sorry....

BookWorm🐛: I-

Bummie👀: no not you bby you're perfect I love you just the way you are!!! It's the others

Yuggie🎵: "the others"

👑DabPrince👑: oof but I get it... but ow my heart

Bummie👀: ... since you guys did so much for me when SoJoon was happening I guess a brief explanation of who he is and my fucked up family is in order...

BookWorm🐛: CAN I DO IT?

SmartiePants📚: ... I apologize for him-

Bummie👀: whatever go ahead 🙄

BookWorm🐛: OKAY! So Jaebums mom died when he was 12 aite? She got caught in this gang fight that was happening when walking home and she died.. it was really tragic... the gang the killed her is the same gang SoJoons dad was in

ButterflyKing🦋: woah- wtf

JaeBae🐶: oh Bummie I'm so sorry for your loss 😭 that would be hard

Yuggie🎵: I remember this...

BookWorm🐛: then fast forward Jaebums dad is running his company and he finds out who SoJoon is.. and more specifically who his dad is so he fires him on the spot... after his mom died Jaebums dad only worked and didn't have time for a "kid or burden" as he would say so my parents took Jaebum in since we were friends and he was helpin me learn Korean since I was still a foreigner

Butterflyprince🦋: aw that's why you guys are close

👑DabPrince👑: their friendship is actually cute if you get past the yelling

JaeBae🐶: aw baby...

BookWorm🐛: so then as the only child once he was 18 and actually worth something Jaebums dad was like "as my son you have to run my company" so Jaebum worked at his company cause he's too niceeeee but he does and then Jaebums dad finds out SoJoon and his dad are opening an identical company in japan... so he sends Jaebum over to open a second branch of his company to take all the profit from them because they were never able to be charged with his wife's murder... or Jaebums assault now..

ButterflyKing🦋: What the fuck

SmartiePants📚: I'm actually mad

Yuggie🎵: so... yeah I don't feel bad for fucking smacking him

Bummie👀: and he came in and yelled at me and fought with him for working from home and I brought up my mom and he got REALLY mad so he left... but I told him I quit and he told me I didn't so I'm expected at work so.. I'll go?

ButterflyKing🦋: no. Just fly back and leave a note saying "no"

👑DabPrince👑: ^^^

JaeBae🐶: I will personally fly there to fly you home

Butterflyprince🦋: I'm weak ^ oof

Bummie👀: I'm going to finish this week.. and then be done. SoJoon can have the company I don't ducking care. Him succeeding won't bring my mom back and it won't make my dad actually act like a dad

BookWorm🐛: ... did your dad leave leave or-

Bummie👀: he's still in Japan. He has to watch me to make sure I behave :(

JaeBae🐶: I'm flying back

ButterflyKing🦋: Youngjae-


Bummie👀: no everyone stop- that was my past.. and my presents kinda shit too but I'm okay now

Butterflyking🦋: I want you to know he just left the Apartment with a small ass suitcase-

BookWorm🐛; go youngjae go!

Bummie👀: fuCk

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