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"I'm surprised we haven't down this again... although maybe we were scared it would go like last time."  Jaebum said and Jackson laughed.

"No more switching dates please."  Jinyoung said and Youngjae laughed choking on his lemonade.

Jaebum quickly patted Youngjae's back and used his sleeve to wipe the younger's face with a laugh.

"Do we need an ambulance?"  Jaebum asked jokingly but Youngjae shot his head up with wide eyes.

"Oh my god no, not again."  He said and the entire table laughed loudly only to be shushed.

The four of them had decided to go on another double date to the same restaurant where it all started.

"So... Have ya'll fucked?"  Jackson asked leaning on the table only for Jinyoung to wheeze and almost choke, smacking his boyfriends arm.

"Jackson you can't-."  Jackson cut his boyfriend off with a kiss causing Jaebum to groan and close his eyes and Youngjae laugh while hiding his blushing face.

"I'm not done.  So answer, who tops?  I know it's Jaebum."  Jackson said wiggling his eyes.

"Actually.."  Youngjae started but Jaebum coughed.

"We switch, fuck off."  Jaebum said and Jinyoung widened his eyes.

"YOU'VE TOPPED?"  Jinyoung all but yelled at Youngjae.

"I mean... yeah after I punched his dad I sucked his dick."  Youngjae said with innocent eyes as he went back to eating his piece of cake.

Jaebum, Jinyoung, and Jackson all choked on their drinks at the same time all spitting them onto themselves and the table.  The waitress walked over with the a towel and a glare asking them, not so nicely to please leave.  Once outside Youngjae pouted and glared at them.

"I didn't get to finish my cake.."  He mumbled and Jackson laughed.

"I'm sure Jaebum can get you a different type of dessert."  He suggested and Jinyoung quickly smacked the back of his head.

"We could have had everyone come, Adrian and Mark and then Yugeyom and BamBam?  We would have gotten kicked out really fast though.."  Jaebum said changing the topic quickly and Jackson nodded.

"Well...  It was eventful at least."  Jackson said and Youngjae laughed.

"Why was it so shocking that I topped?  I am manly."  Youngjae said pouting and Jaebum pulled Youngjae into a back hug.

Youngjae rested the back of his head against Jaebum's firm chest with a sigh and kissed Jaebum's hand he was holding.

"He's my manly man so it's okay."  Jaebum said winking to Jinyoung and Jackson who were walking away to their car with a smile and a wave.

"Let's get home baby boy."  Jaebum said and Youngjae nodded.

Once int the car Jaebum buckled Youngjae and began driving only to stop on the way home and get Youngjae another piece of cake somewhere else because he was really sad he didn't get to finish his.

i really don't fucking know what just happened tbh

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