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So- I know I'm a hella anxious person but wtf?  I had 2 panic attacks yesterday cause it my first day but I thought it'd get better after that- I DDINT EVEN HAVE CLASS TODAY AND MYCHEST HAS BEEN SO FUCKING TIGHT I CANT BREATHE I FUCKINROZMWKZ :-: ugh

Jaebum was released from the hospital with a lot of pain killers and a demand to be on bed rest while he recovered a week later.  That meant someone else had to run the company while Jaebum was out.

His Father was angry, he expected his son to get straight back to work like the Im he was and not baby around.

Adrian went back to his family who were all informed and highly confused but grateful he was okay.  That left just Mark and Youngjae at Jaebums apartment.

Mark had a flight to leave in the morning but he wanted to talk to Jaebum first, he wanted to apologize.

"Hey Jae is okay if I have a minute or so alone with him?"  Mark asked.

Youngjae has refused to leave the elders side for a second, too concerned something might happen.

"I guess..". Youngjae said obviously not liking the idea but trusting Mark.

Youngjae went to the kitchen to start dinner while Mark went into Jaebums room to see the elder typing away on his laptop.

"Hey.. I wanted to say I'm really sorry...  When I heard Adrian was in trouble all sight was lost and I only could focus on him.. I didn't think about how much danger you must have been in or that it wasn't your fault.  You went so far as to be willing to give your life life for him and... I'm so sorry."  Mark said and Jaebum stopped typing.

"Hyung.. we don't know each other very well but I knew how much he meant to you and that this was problem.. not really it's my dads just it's my families problem, not his."  Jaebum said smiling slightly.

His bruises were faded slightly but he still looked like hell. 

"I can't believe you went through all of that..". Mark said sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Me either.. but I did and I'm okay...  No hard feelings between us either."  Jaebum said with a smile.

Before Mark could respond a loud yell was heard through the Apartment.


Jaebum widened his eyes as his bedroom door slammed open to reveal a very messy sobbing Jackson.

"I hate you!"  Jackson yelled going and hugging Jaebum to gently Jaebum was shocked.

He expected the Chinese to squeeze him and break his remaining ribs.

"I'm okay idiot... love you too."  Jaebum said with a laugh.

"You guys really are close."  Jinyoung commented from the doorway.

"I need more food!"  Youngjae yelled from the kitchen and BamBam laughed.

"Yugyeom and I can help!"  BamBam yelled and footsteps were heard all over the apartment.

"I need more beds."  Jaebum said and Mark and Jinyoung laughed while Jackson continued to cuddle his best friend.

I need to proof read but I'm not so

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