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get ready for updates cause i'm detertmiend to fininish this book tonight and i'm not going back to fix those 2 typos so 

Jaebum came back to the Apartment to find it completely destroyed, everything was torn to shreds and Youngjae's phone was on the ground screen shattered.

"What the hell.. Youngjae!"  Jaebum yelled looking in every room and under every bed in a panic.

A sudden bark caught his attention and he turned and saw Misty at the door.  But what was Adrian's service dog doing here...  She kept barking and jumping backwards tilting her head towards the hall.  Taking a leap of faith Jaebum went after her and followed her all while taking out his phone.

"Mark I don't know but something bad happened.  The Apartments wrecked and Youngjae's gone and I'm following Misty?  I don't know where Adrian is because he isn't with her."  Jaebum explained to hear Mark curse and quick movements.

"Text me wherever you are and i'll find you guys."  He said and Jaebum grunted.

Still following her out of the Apartment building he sent Mark the street they were on and which direction they were going before calling another number.

"What the fuck did you do?"  He almost growled.

"That's no way to talk to your father."  

Rolling his eyes Jaebum picked up the pace as Misty started all but running.

"Where is Youngjae and Adrian?"  Jaebum asked bluntly.

"Don't forget Jackson... although Jackson's more of a wild card because he wasn't taken for you to save... He dies regardless...  Speaking of which you should be getting a call soon."  And with that the call ended.

Jaebum stopped panting heavily as he stared at his phone in shock right as Mark caught up to him.  

"My- He said they have Jackson but that Jackson is going to die no matter what.." Jaebum said tears filling his eyes.

"No.. No no this can't actually happen."  Mark mumbled running a hand over his face with a groan.

They knew you should go to the police, but they didn't have time.  Even after everything SoJoon and his Dad have done they are never caught or arrested because they have dirty cops helping them and it was pointless.

Jaebum's phone rang stopping both of them and causing them to look at it in fear as an unknown number appeared on the screen.  Jaebum answered it before holding it between him and Mark's ears.

"Hello."  Jaebum spoke, his voice shaking.

"You have 1 hour, come alone and you can take Adrian and Youngjae's spots...  Or else they'll end up like Jackson here."  The voice spoke and Jaebum widened his eyes.

"Bum... don't blame yourself please.."  Jackson whispered before a loud gunshot rang out.

A sudden loud  cry filled the line and Jaebum almost dropped the phone as Mark manage to catch both the phone and Jaebum.

"NO!  GOD NO PLEASE!" Jaebum screamed looking like a maniac in the middle of the sidewalk but he didn't care.

The call ended as the crying of both Adrian and Youngjae increased and Mark was left dumbfounded.  How could this happen?

"Come on Bum, we have to hurry or we won't be able to save them.   We don't even know if he shot Jacks or if he is dead, we have to go for him and our boys."  Mark said shaking Jaebum's shoulders to get his attention.

The  younger stopped crying and looked at Mark before nodding.  Turning they looked to Misty and Mark kneeled down.

"Where is Adrian?"  Mark asked and Misty jumped up barking before running off.

The two boys quickly ran after her having no idea what they were going to do.

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