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The duo stopped outside of an older house that had been foreclosed.  Mark had already texted Jinyoung because.. well his boyfriend was in there and possibly shot.  Within minutes a car pulled up and Yugyeom, BamBam, and Jinyoung all ran out of it.

"Where the fuck is Youngjae and Jackson?"  He asked his eyes red and filled with tears.

"Inside... they said I have to go in alone to take their places... but I know that's suicide..  I'm going to go in though."  Jaebum said and Yugyeom and BamBam shook their heads.

"No you are not... You can't!  Why can't we all storm in there and overtake them?"  BamBam asked and Jaebum shook his head.

"He has too many strong men... I have too and once the guys start to come out get them away from here and get Jackson to a hospital."  Jaebum said leaving no room for argument.

Taking deep breaths Jaebum ran up to the front door before trying the knob and opening the door.

"It's Jaebum... I'm here to take their spots."  He called out looking around the house.  He entered the kitchen and saw no one before turning to the dining room and seeing Jackson. 

Jackson was laying on the ground, a small pool of red surrounding him and Jaebum felt his heart drop.  He ran to his side kneeling next to him even though it got blood all over his clothes and turned Jackson around.   Jackson groaned and Jaebum felt tears fall down his cheeks with a small smile.  

"You're okay Jackson.. You're okay.. I'm going to get you out okay?"  Jaebum whispered quietly.

Jackson opened his eyes to see Jaebum and smiled weakly at him as Jaebum picked him up and began to walk to the front door.  He opened the front door and as he started walking out Jinyoung ran and met him half way.

"Get him to the Hospital now."  Jaebum said giving Jackson to Jinyoung.

Jinyoung nodded and ran Jackson the car and sped off with no time wasted, because they might already be too late as it is.

Jaebum didn't spare the other's a single glance because he knew they had looks of worry and pity so he turned around and ran inside.

"GIVE ME YOUNGJAE AND ADRIAN!"  Jaebum screamed this time. 

Seconds later a man slowly walked down the stairs with a smirk.

"So loud... why don't you come on up and see them yourself?"  He asked before turning around and wakling back up the old dusty stairs.

Jaebum ran up after him, taking 2 stairs at a time before entering what was probably the master bedroom at one point in time.  Looking inside he saw Youngjae tied to one chair and Adrian tied to the other.

Both where soaking wet and had gags in their mouths and Jaebum felt his heart sink at the bruise around Youngjae's neck.

"Let them go you have me."  Jaebum said and both of them turned to look at him with wide eyes.

He had tears down his cheeks, sweaty hair, and he was covered in blood so he knew he looked like he was falling apart..and he kind of was.

"Okay.."  The man said before taking Adrian's chair in his arms and throwing him down the stairs in the chair.

Jaebum widened his eyes before swinging at the man with all his anger.  A solid punch to the nose had him stuttering backwards and glaring at Jaebum.

"You don't need to hurt them anymore!"  Jaebum yelled swinging again.

He was blocked this time but he wasn't done... He wasn't even close to done.  He continued swinging every punch possible at the man before he was cornered into the wall where Jaebum got the first punch to his face, before 4 more followed and he fell to the ground.

"Don't even try it kid... You can't win this one.. You lost this fight the day you were born."  He spit on Jaebum before walking around him being sure to slam his foot onto his fingers.

Jaebum screamed in pain and Youngjae managed to untie his hands.  Standing up he punched the man in the jaw before kicking him in his crotch and sending him to his knees.  Youngjae froze as he felt a pistol on the back of his head.

Moving to the side he got on his knees and put his hands on his head staring into Jaebum's eyes the entire time.

"Drop the gun."  Yugyeom said glaring at SoJoon who turned and looked at him in shock.

"Who the fuck are you??"  He asked pointing the gun at Yugyeom instead.

"No one important."  Yugyeom said with a smile.

Suddenly BamBam tackled the man from behind and after a long struggle BamBam got the gun and pointed it at his head.

"Don't."  He warned.

Mark untied Adrian who was unconscious but he didn't seem injured seriously as Mark carried him out of the house already having called an ambulance.

"You aren't going to shoot me."  SoJoon said with a bitter laugh.

"No but I will."  Jaebum said before taking the gun and pulling the trigger.

"Don't ever... EVER touch my baby boy or my friends..."  Jaebum said tears falling down his cheeks before dropping to his knees.

im not sorry

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