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I'm only half dead also this chapter does nothing for the story but I find it cute so... suck it?  Oof I JIST QUIT LIFE OK
LittleBug is Adrian
MyMan is Mark
Text Messages

LittleBug💕: Why were you online earlier? You should be asleep...

MyMan💜: I could ask you the same thing

LittleBug💕: you could... but I asked first sooOoooo

MyMan💜: Hmmmm well.  Fine.  What if I said I was thinking about you??

LittleBug💕: Stop being cheesy!!! I canttttttt

MyMan💜: Fiiiiine I woke up to pee and couldn't fall about asleep so I went through our photos

LittleBug💕: Aww babe you're going to make me soft 🤧😭

MyMan💜: I'm sorry I love youuuu

LittleBug💕: I love you tooooo

MyMan💜: SO why is my baby boy awake??

LittleBug💕: he had a nightmare >-<

MyMan💜: baby!! You should have called me

LittleBug💕: I didn't want to bother you..

MyMan💜: how can I make you feel better??

LittleBug💕: idkkkk

MyMan💜: do you remember this?

LittleBug💕: AWWW YES!!! Youngjae took that~~ we had just recently gotten together and I spent the night and woke up scared cause you weren't in bed

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LittleBug💕: AWWW YES!!! Youngjae took that~~ we had just recently gotten together and I spent the night and woke up scared cause you weren't in bed

MyMan💜: you're the cutest I actually can't

LittleBug💕: you'll survive 😂😂

MyMan💜: Idk

LittleBug💕: eoxiwixjqizjaia babe

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LittleBug💕: eoxiwixjqizjaia babe

MyMan💜: i just love you leave me alone o can't

LittleBug💕: You always kiss me when I'm talking tho

MyMan💜: my bad but you're lips taunt me when they move

LittleBug💕: WELL IM SORRY 😂


LittleBug💕: OMG I REMEMBER THAT!!!! It was our like 2nd date

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LittleBug💕: OMG I REMEMBER THAT!!!! It was our like 2nd date

MyMan💜: Yes!  And you had an attack so I took you there to be alone and not overwhelmed an you thought I'd leave you cause you weren't normal and I legit refused to leave

LittleBug💕: I know!  Melted my heart >-<

MyMan💜: I feel

LittleBug💕: ohhhh when I forced you to wear my hat cause your ears were red af

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LittleBug💕: ohhhh when I forced you to wear my hat cause your ears were red af

MyMan💜: They were fineeeeee

LittleBug💕: sure 😂😂

I'm not sorry it's soft and cute so my Ark :)

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