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Smut warning~

Jaebum felt his back slam into his bedroom wall before he had even closed the door.  Youngjae pinned him to the wall running his fingers down Jaebum's torso being wary of the healing injuries that were healing under his skin.

Jaebum shuddered as he felt Youngjae slid his fingers into the waist band of his jeans lightly stroking the soft skin before the cold hand retreated back snapping his waist band in the process.

Leaning forward Youngjae met Jaebum's lips with a gentle but  rushed smack causing Jaebum to widen his eyes before closing them entirely. Leaning forward Jaebum wrapped his hands around Youngjae's neck his hand tangling in the younger's hair.

Humming Youngjae continued to kiss Jaebum eagerly as his hand when down and began to unbutton the elders jeans.  With the snap of the button Youngjae smirked into the kiss while unzipping the pants and Jaebum shuddered.

Moving Youngjae pressed Jaebum down onto his bed before hovering over him with a sly but sweet smile.  How he managed to be so mischievous but sweet at the same time was a mystery.  Leaning down but keeping eye contact with Jaebum the whole time he slowly slid the pants down to his ankles.  

Every inch of skin that was exposed to the cold air sent another shiver down Jaebum's skin and Youngjae smiled leaning up and kissing Jaebum roughly before sliding down to his legs.

Spreading his legs over slightly Youngjae gently left kisses trailing over the elder's thigh before he found a spot right next to his bulge where he began to suck and Jaebum groaned at the sensation it was giving him.  

As Jaebum's back arched slightly his hands in the younger's hair Youngjae moved back slightly giving a small kitten lick to the fresh red mark.  With eye contact Youngjae slid the older's boxers off and Jaebum groaned at the cold air dancing across his genitals. 

Youngjae licked his lips before leaning down and stroking Jaebum's length with his finger getting a whimper from the other which only egged Youngjae on more.

With sudden courage he leaned down and took Jaebum's length in his mouth before softly sucking and swirling his tongue around the tip.

Jaebum moaned in pressure as Youngjae began bobbing slightly moving down so he was on his knees.  Youngjae gripped Jaebum's bare thighs as Jaebum kept one hand in the younger's hair and the other gripping the bedspread as he rode out his ecstasy.

With an audible pop Youngjae released the other and panted looking into Jaebum's eyes who had tears of pleasure filling them.

"Was I good?"  Youngjae asked semi softly.

"Have you never topped?"  Jaebum asked sitting up slightly his dick still throbbing.

Youngjae shook his head blushing, a small amount of Jaebum's discharge around the corner of his lip from his attempt to swallow it all.

Leaning forward Jaebum took his thumb and wiped the others lip before giving him a gentle peck.

"You did great baby boy... next time I'll show you how far a top can go."  Jaebum said his voice husky and Youngjae shuddered, already getting excited.


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