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Jackson got out of surgery to find Jinyoung holding his hand tightly.  He barely made it, it actually shocked all of the staff that he didn't flatline even once.

"Jackie.."  Jinyoung said and Jackson smiled.

"Hey babe."  Jackson spoke his voice weaker than normal.

"Are you okay?  Besides the obvious I guess.."  Jinyoung said worriedly.

"I'm okay.. Did everyone make it out okay?"  Jackson asked and Jinyoung gave a worried look.

Youngjae and Adrian are fine, just some bruising."  Jinyoung assured.

"What about Bum?"  Jackson asked his eyes widening.

"He... He has a concussion and a broken hand... and he shot SoJoon.  He hasn't talked to anyone since."  Jinyoung said and Jackson widened his eyes.

"I need to see him."  He said but Jinyoung shook his head.

"Baby you need to rest you're really hurt... You were shot Jackson just take it slow."  Jinyoung begged his voice cracking.

Jackson stopped and cupped his cheeks with a smile.  Running his thumb over the escaping tears and pulling Jinyoung forward and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"I'm okay honey.. I swear."  Jackson promised.


It took Jackson 3 hours of "resting" and begging nurses for them to let him get rolled into Jaebum's room to see the other.  Once he was rolled in he gave a sad smile to Youngjae who was sitting in a chair in the corner.

"Hey Youngjae.. You okay?"  Jackson asked.

"I'm okay... How are you feeling?"  Youngjae asked seeming startled by Jackson.

"I'll live..  How is he?"  He asked quietly and motioning to Jaebum who was sitting by the window.

"He won't talk to me."  Youngjae said quietly.

Jackson remembered how Jaebum shut down when he first moved in after his mom's death... and he knew sometimes Jaebum just needed a smack to the face.

"Alright Dum Bum."  Jackson said having Jinyoung wheel his wheelchair over to him.

"I know a lot happened but look, it's over.  No one blames you.. it needed to happen and it was self defense.  So get out of your stupid ass head and look around you because you are surrounded by people who love you and don't blame you at all."  Jackson said smacking Jaebum's shoulder hard to get his attention.

i keep imagining doing the "who are you?" thing and taking his memory away and im wheeze

Jaebum turned and saw Jackson, Youngjae, Jinyoung, Mark, and Adrian all giving him small smiles.  Before he could say anything Yugyeom and Bambam ran into the room panting.

"This is a big ass Hospital oh my fucking god."  Yugyeom complained.

"I love you guys."  Jaebum said getting up and hugging them all one by one, getting to Youngjae last.

"I'm sorry I did that in front of you baby... but I have to protect you because I love you so much."  Jaebum said and Youngjae smiled.

"It's okay... because I would have done it if you didn't."  Youngjae said shocking Jaebum before smashing their lips together.


minus one bonus chapter that's texting next :D


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