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Group chat

ButterflyKing🦋: okay we can add him but I'm laying down rules

Honeydew🍯: WAIT

Honeydew🍯 changed name to BookWorm🐛

SmartiePants📚: Why?

BookWorm🐛:  Because you have books so if I'm a book worm it's like a couples name

Bummie👀: what a weeb

SmartiePants📚: my weeb tho so 🤷🏻‍♂️

JaeJae🐶: Cute! Oh yeah let me change mine first

JaeJae🐶 has changed name to JaeBae🐶

Bummie👀: cute

JaeBae🐶: Thank ya~~

ButterflyKing🦋: anyone else?

Yugsicle🍭: slowly raises hand-

Yugsicle🍭 changed name to Yuggy🎵

ButterflyKing🦋: okay- rules.  Adrian had a rough past and has some anxiety slash panic attack issues so don't be overly triggering with stuff k?

SmartiePants📚: okay!!

Bookworm🐛: I'll behave

Bummie👀: ^ lies but okay

JaeBae🐶: of course hyung!!!

Yuggie🎵: I PROMISE

👑DabPrince👑: on my best behavior

ButterflyKing🦋 added ButterflyPrince🦋👑

ButterflyPrince🦋👑: Uh hi? I'm Marks boyfriend hello

JaeBae🐶: Hi!!!! I'm Youngjae I'm marks roommate and dog parent :))

👑DabPrince👑: Sup! I'm your fellow prince~~ I'm dating Yugyeom not that you'd try and flirt cause you're with Mark but so you're not confused I guess lmao

SmartiePants📚: Hi I'm Jinyoung and I'm with Jackson

BookWorm🐛: I'm said Jackson- also marks
Ex whoops?? Hope that's not an issue

Bummie👀: way to make it awkward Wangtard 😂😂 I'm Jaebum~~ im just in town from Japan and I leave in 2 days sadly but hi

Yuggie🎵: I'm Yugyeom!! Im dating Bammie~~

ButterflyPrince🦋👑: it's nice to meet everyone!!! Marks said a lot about you ☺️

👑DabPrince👑: Marla's talked about me??? 😏😏

Butterflyking🦋: BamBam I fucking swear

ButterflyPrince🦋👑: HAHA AWWW MARLA-

Bummie👀: r i p Bam

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