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"Choi Youngjae go back in your house."  Jaebum said into the phone holding it while bouncing his leg.

"No I will not Im Jaebum because I fucking love you and I'm fucking mad."  Youngjae said his side of the call full of noises from the busy street.

"Shhh just calm down.. Just talk it out with me first and once you're calm you can decide whether or not to come okay?" Jaebum begged.

This was a sudden and expensive decision and it really had to be made while in a good state of mind or Youngjae could use all his money and lose his job just because he's mad.

"Fine.."  Youngjae grumbled and Jaebum heard him stomping.

"Okay I'm at the park...  Can we start with your mom?"  Youngjae asked his voice hesitant.

Jaebum moved and sat on his window sill looking outside while it rained on the city.  He hummed a yes and heard Youngjae sigh slightly.

"What was she like?"  Youngjae asked after a few minutes of silence.

A smile graced Jaebum's lips as he thought of his memories with his mom.  He didn't really bring her up, he almost acted like she never existed just out of habit because she wasn't allowed to be brought up around his Father..  The only person he really talked about her with was Jackson and that's because Jackson was there from day 1 when Jaebum was a crying 12 year old mess who needed a friend, no matter how annoying.

Yugyeom and BamBam knew about it as they came into his life at the age of 13 and it was still a fresh wound and Jackson literally can't ever shut up but they didn't really get a lot of Jaebum's inside thoughts on it.

"She was... amazing.  She was a kindergarten teacher but she stopped when I was born to be a stay at home mom with me.  I spent all my time with her and I was even home schooled because I didn't want to be separated from her and she couldn't say no to me...  She had a light and airy laugh and always laughed at the wrong moment making the most awkward situations more awkward."  Jaebum said fondly as Youngjae and him both laughed slightly.

"She was bringing home ice cream one night when she walked down an older street...  We had plenty of money but she always choose to walk because she said the fresh air was good for her skin..  SoJoon's dad was fighting with someone after a deal they had went back and one of them went to shoot and my mom got the bullet...  She didn't make it.  My Dad made it his mission to do anything he could to stop SoJoon's father from having a good life.  So since his father worked for my Dad he fired him, even though the trial couldn't prove SoJoon's Dad was there we all knew he was."  Jaebum explained his tone less light.

"I'm so sorry...  After he fired SoJoon's dad what happened?  Shouldn't it have been over?"  Youngjae asked and Jaebum chuckled at his pure and raw hope.

"I wish baby boy...  My Dad became obsessed with getting his company bigger and bigger...  He wanted SoJoon's Father to have to hear his company's name and about how great it was no matter where in the world he ended up...  That caused him to push me aside since I was just a 12 year old kid who didn't even go to public school.. I was useless."

"Don't say that Bummie... you have a use, no matter what part of your life you're in it has a use to someone."  Youngjae said and Jaebum smiled.

"Not to him... Jackson who I had met briefly took me in with his parent's permission.  They knew I was in need of a family and I could help Jackson adjust to Korea as we were the same age so.  I told him everything, all my thoughts...  He became my other half for a while, he was all I had.  While this happened SoJoon's son got a job at my dad's company with a different last name and his goal was to get the company from my father instead of me.  I didn't and don't it so I really didn't care."  Jaebum explained and Youngjae hummed.

"But your dad did because he found out who he was.."  Youngjae said and Jaebum sighed.

"Yeah.. once he knew who he was he made a huge scene and fired him... He was really harsh so I'm not that surprised at the intense hate that SoJoon has for him... combined with his Father it's just a mess.  By then I was 18 so my Dad quickly made me start working there because as much as it hurt to mean nothing to him all those years, I thought if I did it I would mean something and maybe get some love... but I didn't and I never will from him."  Jaebum said and Youngjae felt a tear roll down his cheek.

"I love you... and Jackson and Yugyeom and Bam...  Jinyoung and Mark and Adrian care about you too Bummie.."  Youngjae said softly.

"I know baby... and you have no idea how much I appriciate that.

"My Dad found out SoJoon's Dad was running a similar company in Japan and decided to expand there to take their business away...  He needed someone to run the company so he made me... and I of course didn't say no because I was still trying to get some form of pride or joy from my Dad..  SoJoon saw me at the meetings and recognized me and we butted heads a lot.  He had people following me trying to catch me drinking or smoking or anything that could get me kicked off the board but I didn't did anything stupid..  So when they saw Adrian with me they knew they had a way in and took him...  I got him out... and I got out because Yugyeom and Bam smacked the truth out of my Dad..."  Jaebum said stopping as a cry left his lips shocking himself.

"It's okay... you can cry honey.. this is a lot."  Youngjae said wiping his own tears and standing up.

"Anyways..  My Dad came and was pissed I wasn't in the company but I was still handling calls and emails from home just the same.  Then I told him I wanted to quit and it got ugly so he left but he told me I wasn't allowed to quit...  He's staying in Japan to make sure I go to work tomorrow and don't fuck up but... I just want to give up I'm just tired."  Jaebum said sniffling slightly.

"You don't have to do everything he wants.  You have given him enough chances and enough of your life.. it's time for you to live it."  Youngjae said moving his phone and texting his boss.

Youngjae- remember my aunt I visited who had a severe stroke?  She passed away.. can I have just 3 days off to go to the funeral and back?

Boss- Oh i'm so sorry to hear that!  Take your time.

"He is going to come back tomorrow and try to drag me to work and I might let him and I don't know Jae... It seems dumb but I just don't have the energy to fight him... I'm not strong enough to disappoint him."  Jaebum explained.

"I get it... I'm glad we talked this out..  It'll be okay baby I promise."  Youngjae said booking a flight quickly.

"You're staying back right?  I don't want you getting fired and wasting money on me."  Jaebum said and Youngjae laughed.

"It's not a waste if it's you... and hell no I'm on my way to the airport, I'll see you in 5 hours babe."  Youngjae said before hanging up and getting a cab.

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