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I hope y'all don't all hate me eek

The room became silent as a slam of the door echoed in the air. 

"Which one of you is Mr. Im?"

Slowly everyone pointed to the older man who was seated at a desk in the back of the room.  He had a stoic expression  as he waited for the person who interrupted his meeting to approach him.

"Alright everyone get the fuck out."  BamBam said and everyone scrambled out of the meeting room.

Yugyeom reached Mr. Im's desk first and before saying anything he reached his arm out and smacked him on the cheek.  The pop echoed in the room and the elder's glasses flew from his face across his desk and then to the floor where they stayed.

"Do you care about your son at all?"  Yugyeom asked tears filling his eyes that burned with anger.

"What do you know about my son?"  Mr. Im asked an amused tone to his voice.

"I know that he didn't want anything to do with your company but in order to make you happy he agreed to go to Japan and leave everything he loved... everyone he loved behind.  I also know that you know he was kidnapped and aren't doing a god damn thing about it when you could help him.  Just give them what they want!  It's your son!"  Yugyeom yelled.

BamBam stood next to Yugyeom holding the other's hand in his as they stared down the older man before them.  How someone as amazing as Jaebum was able to be raised but him was a mystery to them all.

Jackson and Jinyoung were trying to go through all of Jaebum's accounts since Jackson knew the passwords to them all to find some clue as to where he was but they weren't having much luck and the younger ones got tired of waiting.

"You don't know what he's gotten into."  Mr. Im said and Yugyeom scoffed.

"He's into it because of you so get him out."  BamBam said firmly.

"SoJoon want this company to be his and he use to work for me but I fired him because of his selfish desire to be the owner.  He worked for our competitor after that and he was working on taking over the Japanese branch which is why I sent Jaebum to manage it."  Mr. Im explained.

"Where did he take Jaebum?"  Yugyeom asked and Mr. Im rolled his eyes.

"As if I know that."  He said only to get another sharp slap across his face.

"If something happened to him so help me god.. you'll wish SoJoon had taken your company years ago."  BamBam said before him and Yugyeom turned and left.

"You may love your company... but he's your fucking son."  Yugyeom said before leaving and slamming the door shut.

Hours later the Japanese police received a tip from Mr. Im that SoJoon's father owned various storage vaults along the bay.

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