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I have college tomorrow 0-0 just call me Skypee


Jaebum stepped off the plane with shaky legs and as soon as he saw Jackson he ran to the other and hugged him.

"I'm only hugging you because I have to hug something, It's not cause I love you."  Jaebum said with a grunt and Jackson laughed.

"You did good bro, deep breaths you didn't dead dumbass."  Jackson said  patting Jaebum's back and walking them over to the side and out of people's way.

Jaebum pushed away from Jackson after catching himself and shaking off the feeling of panic and death.  After getting his suitcase and everything set up Jackson and him ran out and got into his car.

Once inside Jackson smiled and began driving and Jaebum relaxed into the seat glad to be back onto the ground.  

"Where are we headed?"  Jaebum asked and Jackson tensed a slight amount.

"Youngjae is still at work, which is why he couldn't get you.  So we are going to his place since Jinyoung is there with his roommate Mark."  Jackson explained.

"The Mark you were going to Marry?"  Jaebum asked already knowing it was the same one from talking Youngjae.  

"Yeah.... that one...  We've dm'd and cleared it up but I don't know i'm still nervous being with him while with Jinyoung.."  Jackson said and Jaebum nodded.

"It'll be a little weird.. but hey i'm going to be there..  I won't be any help but I'll be there to watch."  Jaebum said and Jackson rolled his eyes smacking Jaebum's arm as he parked.

"Ass."  Jackson mumbled and Jaebum smiled.


"You're back!"  Jinyoung said opening the door with a smile.

Jaebum smiled nodding and entering while Jackson gave Jinyoung a kiss on the cheek before seeing Mark standing in the kitchen watching and freezing.

"Hey Jacks, long time no see."  Mark said walking up with a smile a hugging Jackson.

"Yeah..."  Jackson said almost out of breath.

"Don't worry over the past alright?  I've found my own little bug to love no worries, just take care of him."  Mark said patting Jackson's back before walking away.

"I don't  know why that scared me so much but it did."  Jackson said and Jinyoung laughed.

"Yeah well it happened and you lived."  Jaebum said causing Jackson to throw a glare at him and grumble something under his breath.

"Do you guys always fight like this?"  Jinyoung asked and they turned to look at him.

"No."  Jackson said.

"Yes."  Jaebum said only causing them to fight further and then soon wrestle.


Youngjae opened the door only to feel a sudden weight land on his feet, looking down he saw Jaebum laying on the ground slightly sweaty and panting.

"Jackson i'm gonna-"  Jaebum stopped and looked up to meet Youngjae's eyes.

"Jaebum!"  Youngjae cheered happily kneeling down to meet his eye level.

"You did okay on the plane right?"  Youngjae asked more quietly in case it was a secret.

"He was the biggest baby!  I bet he cried!"  Jackson yelled and Jaebum blushed.

"I didn't cry.."  He mumbled and Youngjae smiled at how cute the elder was.

"Let's get ready for dinner."  Youngjae said helping Jaebum up and entering the Apartment with a smile on his face.

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