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Jaebum left his Apartment with his shaky hands silently following the directions on his phone's GPS to the outskirts of the city.  After a 20 minute walk he made it to an old warehouse storage building for the company his father had taken over.  Stopping outside Jaebum took his phone and dialed Mark's number which he had convinced Jackson to give him earlier in the week.

"What?"  Mark asked his voice obviously upset, bordering angry.

"Just listen closely."  Jaebum said before lowering his phone to his side.

Once inside Jaebum came face to face with a group of men all dressed in black suits with no one else but SoJoon in the center of them looking like a proud rat.

"Where is he?"  Jaebum asked holding a death grip on his phone.

"You mean the kid with the puppy?"  SoJoon asked and Jaebum glared.

"He has a name, where is he?  That was the deal, I meet you and you give me the address to where you put Adrian."  Jaebum reminded him.

"Yes that's the deal...  A rather poor one to agree to Mr. Business man considering you won't be leaving here alive to tell anyone where he is...  It's 1313 Harbor St.  He's in the 10th storage building."  SoJoon said and Jaebum nodded.

"That's all I needed to know."  He said and SoJoon laughed.

"I will remind you again, you won't be leaving here alive."  SoJoon said and Jaebum smiled.

"I know."  He replied as he dropped his phone and was shoved to the ground. 

Mark gasped as he wrote the address down and tried to call out to Jaebum but he just heard a series of shouts and thuds, but he did hear Jaebum say he knew he was going to die and all the regret of what Mark had said hit him at once.

Quickly Mark called the Japanese police and reported what he had heard giving them Jaebum's number as well as the address where they were sending over officers and an ambulance now.  Running out of his room he found Youngjae on the couch with a runny nose and red eyes and he sighed.

"We are going to Japan get up."  Mark said and Youngjae widened his eyes before flying up and grabbing his pre-packed suitcase.

He knew something bad was happening.  The plane felt like it took years instead of hours but they eventually made it unsure of where to even go at this point since they didn't know where Jaebum was. 

They did know however that Adrian was at the Hospital so they went there and Mark did his best to hold in his tears but he just wasn't able to, not when his baby boy was hurt.

"He's okay, he just had a minor head injury."  The nurse explained but Mark still had to see Adrian himself to believe that he was okay.

Once in the Hospital room all of Mark's tears hit him again and he ran to the younger grabbing his hand tightly.

"Baby i'm so sorry this happened."  Mark said and Adrain smiled sadly at Mark.

"It's okay... it's no one's fault."  He whispered looking over to Youngjae who had tears streaming down his face.

"He'll be okay... He's strong right?"  Adrian asked and Youngjae just sobbed loudly catching Mark's attention as well.

Turning around Mark pulled Youngjae into a hug and tried his best to console his best friend, but he heard that phone call and he wasn't sure if Jaebum was even alive anymore.

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