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Assalam Wa Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatahu. How are you all? I hope you're doing well In Shaa Allah! This chapter is going to be a longer because there's a story in it which really inspires me. I hope it inspires you too. Read it till the end.

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem..,
Ibn Qaiyyam (RA) said:
Whoever shames his brother for a sin, he will be tested with the same sin. Therefore, If you hear or see a sin from another person say "May ALLAH forgive us and them"

Ibn Umar ( May Allah be pleased with him) said:
"Wallahi i fear if i shame a women for her pregnancy i will end up pregnant"
Don't sit and watch people and look for their faults, And don't expose them or spy on them.

Instead, Work on yourself and fix your faults first.
Remember you'll only asked about yourself not others.

Don't look down upon so and so because his son is not praying or is drinking, And don't shame so and so beacuse her daughter is not wearing hijab in public.

You don't know the suffering of their parents in raising them and the effort and dedication they put in order to help, Guide them.

Don't you know that the son of prophet Nuh (A.S) is in hell fire, And the father of prophet Ibrahim (A.S) is also in hell fire?
So, Stop assuming destinies and translating intentions.
Instead, focus on yourself and those whom you're responsible for;
Today you might be righteous and tomorrow you might end up with a bad ending.
Remember the heart of humans are between the two fingers of ALLAH,
They turn like the turning of boiling water.
Always make sure to ask yourself who guided you towards your aim, Except Allah, So if you see what you don't like in someone then say:
"Alhamdulillahil-ladhi Aafanee mimmab-talaaka bihi wa fadhdhalanee alaa khatheerin mimman khalaqa tafdila rabbi aslih-hum wathabbitna"
"Praises be to ALLAH who has saved me from what he had afflicted with them and for honoring me over many his creations,oh Allah guide them and keep us steadfast"
Or you can say,
"Ya muqallibal-qulub thab-bit kalbi alaa deenik"
"O turner of the hearts affirm my heart upon your religion"
Abu Hanifa ( May ALLAH have mercy on him ) had an alcoholic neighnor, Whom he tried to advise on so many occasions until he got tired and left him.
One day, The wife of the alcoholic man knocked the door of Abu Hanifa and telling him, That her husband had passed away, And that she wants him to pray for his janaza, But Abu Hanifa refused.
Later that day Abu Hanifa saw that man in his dream walking between the garden of heaven saying,
"Tell Abu Hanifa,
ALHAMDULILLAH Jannah wasn't in his hands."
When Abu Hanifa woke up, He rushed to the wife of deceased and ask her,
"How was he before his death?"
She said he was the same as you know him except that every friday, He used to feed the orphans of the estate and wipe over their heads and cry and say pray for your uncle; It could be the Duā of one of the orphans.
Abu Hanifa had a deep regret after hearing this.

So my dear sisters,
Don't shame the people of sin or look down upon them, We all live under the cover of Allah and if ALLAH wants to remove that cover we would all be exposed.
Don't proud of your plenty of salah or fast because you don't know who's closer to ALLAH ..
"Advise but don't expose."
"Confront but don't hurt."
"Don't be arrogant and don't mock."
And remember that day is turn exactly as the heart is turn.

Jazak Allahu khairan kaseera for the precious time, The above story and everything which you read it has been taken from a YouTube video. I didn't write them. I hope it was beneficial In Shaa Allah!
Assalam Wa Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatahu.

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