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Assalam Wa'Alaikum Wa'Rahmatullahi Wa'Barkatahu,how are y'all?
I pray y'all are in good health and in a state of good imaan In Shaa Allah.
Ok so i wanna ask y'all a thing and that is i wanted to write another book named"Revive the sunnah"so i want your suggestions that should i write or not because I'm confuse.Do tell me by commenting below..!!
And Jazak Allahu khairan kaseera for reading my book I'm glad that it's helping you Alhamdulillah and I ask Allah Azza Wa'Jal that he forgives us help us to gain the knowledge of our deen and duniya both In Shaa Allah..

Bis Millah Hir Rahman Nir Rahmeen,

Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful." [39:53]

"قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَىٰ أَنْفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا ۚ إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ"

Allah addresses us in this ayah as "My servants." عباد is different from عبيد .عبيد is used in the Qur'an for those slaves who do not obey Allah. However, عباد is used for good slaves, and even though this ayah is about sinners, Allah still addresses them as "His slaves" to give them hope.

Then Allah says "Those who have transgressed against themselves" or those who have crossed the line. Here, Allah is addressing the one who got close to the sin and fell into sin, so much so that he has piled sin upon sin. Yet, Allah is reminding, I know you've sinned, I know you've done so much wrong, but don't cut your connection with Me, because you are still My slaves. You might even feel that your sin is too huge, but Allah is saying, "Do not despair of the Mercy of Allah." In other words, don't lose hope, don't be depressed from the mercy, love and care of Allah. Don't think that His love, care and concern is so small that your sin is bigger than that, because there is never going to be a time in your life where you can inhale and exhale, and that Allah's Mercy will be closed, His door of Mercy is wide open. Remember that.

If the people who are going to be in the lowest pit of hellfire (the hypocrites), if they even still have hope, then what about you and I? You should never ever think that you are beyond the Mercy of Allah. People might think you're bad and write you off, but Allah will never write you off.

There are people who are messed up totally, but they might pray one prayer every Friday, that's the only connection with Allah they have left, but at least they left that one door open. That door is enough, because you can now turn back and repent to Allah.

Allah is telling you He loves you. He wants you to turn back to Him and re-think your life.

Now is the time to turn back to Allah. Just sit there at night and cry your heart out to Allah. Talk to Him and tell Him everything you've done.

There were times in my life where i was totally lost,i was carrying an ocean of sins,I was hopeless but than Allah guide me,he helped me from overcoming that situation where i thought i couldn't survive,i was a soul full of sins but he's Ar-Rahman,The Most Merciful his mercy is beyond our imagination.

If you think you're too sinful than you should also think that he's Ar-Rahman,Ar-Raheem,Al-Ghafoor,Al-Wadood.he'll forgive you just ask him once from the bottom of your heart that "O Allah please forgive me"
He Subhan'ahu Wa Ta'ala will forgive you..

He loves us,
He cares for you,
He wanted you to turn back to him,
He's giving you chance again and again,
Because his love is undefineable,unexplainable,unimaginable,uncountable..!!

Talk him,
Make him your best Friend,

Cry to him,
Beg to him,
Told him everything which is hurting you,

No one will help you except him,
He knows what's in your chest,
But he'll still listen you..!!

Once again I'm saying it,
"Do not despair of the Mercy of Allah"
Don't lose hope.
Repent before it's too late!

May Allah forgive us all,

Nowadays I'm writing at night and whenever I'm writing any of this chapter i can't control my tears from flowing,
My heart's crying,it's aching,
thinking how much sinful I'm but you,My Rabb forgive me.
Not because who I'm but because who you are..!!
My soul is full of sins but My Lord.
You are the Most Forgiving.
I'm being so much ungrateful to you.
But you still gave me so much..!!
I can't even thank you for the things which you'd blessed me with,

Jazak Allahu khairan kaseera,
Until next time In Shaa Allah,
_____your sister In Islam,
Assalam Wa'Alaikum Wa'Rahmatullahi Wa'Barkatahu♡♡

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