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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركته،
My lovely brothers and sisters in Deen, I really hope y'all are well and doing well too In Shaa Allah.

Bis Millah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem,

Peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad(Salallaho Alayhi Wa sallam),all his blessed descendents and noble companions.


May Allah cure all those people who's suffering,May Allah forgive them and give them the highest level of Shīfa.!!



_One of the hardest task in this 21st century is for the youths to spend 30 mins without "touching" their phones!_


☆ Almost everyone is now a phone addict.

☆ It's the last thing you touch before you sleep at night.

☆ It's the first thing you touch when you wake up at dawn

☆ Some even put earpiece on their ears overnight.

☆ Some still wake at night to download films but they can't wake up for tahajud.

☆ Some are always "online" chatting.

☆ As early as 6am they are online and they remain online till midnight.

☆ They have thousands of friends online whom they chat with but they don't relate with their families at home.

☆ They isolate themselves in their rooms.

☆ Some argue till midnight about aqeedah issues, yet by fajr time, he is sleeping and snoring.

☆ Immediately after the tasleem in salat, you see people pressing their phones again, no time for adhkaar!

☆ As if all their past and future sins have already been forgiven!

☆ When accidents happen, instead of saving lives, you see people snapping the victims with their phones.

☆ When a house is burning, instead of quenching it, you see people snapping so as to be the first to upload it on social network.

☆ When a person loses a loved one, instead of thinking about the funeral issues, the first thing the person does is to upload the news on social network perhaps to get

☆ We are so addicted to phones, we even chat when we are on motorcycles.

☆ Some still chat in the exam halls.

☆ Some play games with their phones in the masjid.

☆ Some watch films in the masjid.

📍 Subhanallah !!!!What a fitnah befalling the Ummah.

☆ Along the road, some keep pressing their phones, until perhaps they narrowly dodge an accident or until a banana peel slips them.

☆ Even when we have guests, we still concentrate on our phones than our guest.

☆ Some ignore their spouses because they are chatting with "mere friends" on Facebook!

📍 *Some use Suratul Asr to hasten their salat because of their phones, not knowing that Suratul Asr is talking about spending time in righteous deeds.*

📍 Many are those whose phones have made them "hypocrites".

📍 Many are those whose phones are leading them to hellfire

📍 Because of your phone, you are the last person to come to Juma'ah and you are always the first person to leave!

“Allah said, 'Closer and closer to mankind comes their judgement, yet they don't take heed, and they turn away' (Sura Al-Anbiyaa vs 1)”

May Allah guide all of us.

Jazak Allahu Khairan for reading.

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