Assalam Wa'Alaikum Wa'Rahmatullahi Wa'Barkatahu,how are y'all my beautifuls?
Before started reading it,Closed your eyes take a very deep breath.
Now say "Astaghfirullahi Rabbi Min Kulli Zambi Wa Atubu Alayh"
Say it from the bottom of your heart,In Shaa Allah Ar Rahman will forgive you❤Bis Millah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem,
Peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad(Salallaho Alayhi Wa sallam),all his blessed descendents and noble companions.
(Ameēn)THE PRAYER OF REPENTANCE (Salaat at Tawbah)
The Apostle of Allah (ﷺ) said:
"When a servant (of Allah) commits a sin, and he performs ablution well, and then stands and prays two rak'ahs, and then asks Allah for forgiveness, but Allah will forgive him."
He then recited this verse: "And those who, when they have committed Fahishah (illegal sexual intercourse etc.) or wronged themselves with evil, remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their sins; - and none can forgive sins but Allah.." [3:135]
Abu Dawud 1521 | Sahih
Repent because the door of repentance is still open.,
Jazaki Allahu khairan kaseera,
Until next time In Shaa Allah,
____your sister in Islam,
Assalam Wa'Alaikum Wa'Rahmatullahi Wa'Barkatahu..!!🌷
SpiritualFor the sake of Allah. (If these reminders helps you then please make dua for me)