السلام عليكم ورحمة اللّٰه وبركاته..
I hope everyone's good in health and in imaan انشاء اللہBis Millah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem,,
Growing up, many are told to pray,it was something they knew they had to do,it may have felt forced not even knowing the reason why they are supoosed to pray 5 times a day,and not seeing any beauty in it-soon it drives them further away from Allah Subhan'ahu Wa Ta'ala.The only reason they can find,is that "i will go to hell otherwise."
I heard this quite often by people,it baffled and scared me that they live out o the fear of Allah Subhan'ahu Wa Ta'ala,as if he's a punishing Lord.when our religion teaches us the opposite.99 beautiful names but these people are more in fear.we are taught to see the beauty of things first and foremost.The way i had begun to pray was finding my way through the deen,i sought the beauty of it and reminded myself that it's not a chore-but a gift.
Given to us by Āllah as 5 daily prayers on the night journey of the blessed prophet.Prior to this we were instructed to pray 50.The amount lessened,but the rewards didn't.There are still 50 rewards for 5 prayers.Subhan'Allah what does this tell you about Allah?Through prayer,we find peace but Only when our hearts are present.I find it being something to 'ground' us.when we are having tough times it's that escape to talk to Āllāh,glorify,praise seek his comfort.you feel strong enough to carry on,to dust yourself off and feel as though you have tge ability to master patience and see beauty in your trials...----yes prayer is fardh,but i won't lie say I'm always praying,I'm not perfect,nobody is.We can only try and Āllāh knows our intentions.if you don't pray,start by the easiest,fajr.Then the others,be consistent,don't rush and try to take everything in one,it won't work.Be consistent with your Fardh,then Sunnah,then Nafl.Make plenty duās asking Allāh to make your heart firm and most importantly,learn what you're reciting.This will build your concentration as you know what you're saying,and you feel the beauty in your heart.Trust me Focus.it's just you and Allāh.
He's got you..Jazak Allahu khairan kaseera,,
I hope it would help you in any way,,
Until next time In Shaa Allāh..,,
______your sister in Islam
السلام عليكم ورحمة اللّٰه وبركاته💗❤
SpiritualFor the sake of Allah. (If these reminders helps you then please make dua for me)