Assalam Wa Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatahu,how are you my beautiful people,i hope you're good in health and in emaan In Shaa Allah...sending lots of love and prayers on your ways🌼❤
Bis Millah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem,,
Being married is not just about eating together, sleeping and waking side by side, strolling to the beach or village river together, doing the lovey-dovey, pillow fights together or doing chores together.These are only the extra-curricular activities, the main thing that needs to be done together is Iba'dah, and this is where many couples fall short. We were created for the worship of Allah, here are the ways to do it together:
1)habib says:
Sweetheart, its friday, let's recite surah khaf together.2)habibti says:
My boo, it's friday, I will like to follow you to ju'mah today, I miss the khutbah series.3)habib says:
Hey dear, wakie wakie, wake up and let's pray, its time for tahajud, our LORD is in the first heaven calling on to us.4)habibti says:
Ya habeebi, today is the day of our sister's program in the masjid, won't you follow me to the program and give us a befitting lecture? But lower your gaze there pls, winks.5)habib says:
Hey bae, even if you are off-salat, have you done your evening adhkaar? Let's do it together.6)habibti says:
Ya sheikhi, now that we have observed isha, its time for our daily family halqah, won't you give us an admonition or teach us fiqh?7)habib says:
Darling, you are dressing up right, hold it, let me put your hijab on you and tie your niqab for you.8)habibti says:
My dear, today is saturday, you are not going to work, won't you use this opportunity to visit the grave with the kids so as to remember the hereafter?9)habib says:
My queen, tomorrow is monday, let's prepare to fast tomorrow so as to please our Lord.10)habibti says:
Hi honey-pie! Today is sunday and we are not going anywhere, so let me get the kettles, so that we can observe salatud-duha.11)habib says:
Princess, since the rain is falling, I can't go to the masjid to pray, get the mat so that I will lead the salah while you pray behind me. I will recite your favourite surah.12)habibti says:
Hey bae, the prophet sallalahu alayhi wassalam ordered us to recite surah baqarah every 3days/nights, so let's commence, I will recite a page and you recite the next, till we finish it.13)habib says:
Honey, let's quikly recite surah mulk and sajdah before sleeping so that it will save us from the punishment of the grave.The prophet sallalahu alayhi wassalam said,
May Allah have mercy on a man who wakes up at night to pray, he wakes his wife to pray and if she refuses, he sprinkles water on her face.May Allah have mercy on a woman who wakes up at night to pray, she wakes her husband and if he resists, she would sprinkle water on his face
(Sahih ul jaami, 3494)
How beautiful is this hadith, this is how couples should help in fulfilling 50% of eachother's deen. Marry a person who will help you in the worldly affairs as well as the matters of your hereafter.If your boo doesn't help you to become a better muslim, then your boo is a bull.
Many people do say:
"I want a spouse who will hold my hands to jannah"The bridge of siraat is not ijebu bridge that requires just a hand to help you cross it, everyone is for himself, so jannah is not earned by mere dua, you need to both work for it.
Allah says:(Paradise is not earned) by your mere wishful thinking
(Nisaa vs 123)When couples play, snore, fart, sleep, wake, eat, drink, smile, laugh, cry, walk, run, discuss, think, act and pray together, they share a very deep form of "companionship and compatibility" that cannot be created any other way and can't be found anywhere else!!!❤🌺
May Allah Subhan'ahu Wa Ta'ala grant us all a pious and righteous spouses,who will be a coolness of our eyes and we will be couples till Jannah..
امین ❤
Jazak Allahu khairan kaseera i hope it would be beneficial,
Until next time,
______your sister in Islam..,,
السلام عليكم ورحمة اللّٰه وبركاته
Have a blessed day🌼

SpiritualitéFor the sake of Allah. (If these reminders helps you then please make dua for me)