السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركته،
How are y'all?
I hope everyone is good in health and in good state of emaan ان شاء الله
Winter is just around the corner and almost everyone is suffering from cold and flu..
So guys be careful in eating and everything...Bis Millah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem,
Peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad(Salallaho Alayhi Wa sallam),all his blessed descendents and noble companions.(Ameēn)
May Allah cure all those people who's suffering,May Allah forgive them and give them the highest level of Shīfa.!!
Ettiquettes of life
📌 Qualities Allah loves & dislikes.It should be a part of the Etiquettes of a Muslim to do things that Allah Love & stay away from things that Allah dislikes.
The note look a bit lengthy, because it contains ayah and Hadith so in sha Allah it would be a good read 🌺
🦋Tawbah (Repentance)
"For Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly (in repentance)" (Surah Al Baqarah 2:222)
Repentance is a form of detoxification Sincere repentance cleanses and beautifies the Iman (faith).We all commit sins but Allah loves those who after committing sins, seek forgiveness with deep sorrow and regret.
🦋Taharah (Purification)
"Allah loves those who keep themselves pure and clean." (Surah Al Baqarah 2:222)
This is the external purification. The secret to this is performing the acts with the intention of following the example of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
The removal of filth from the body by performing wudhu (ablution) and ghusl (ritual bath) and removal of filth from the garment, body and place of prayer. They are acts that purify the body and radiate the Iman. It is a means by which Almighty Allah will wipe out our sins and raise our ranks.
🦋 Taqwa (Piety)
"for Allah loveth the righteous (the pious)." (Surah Al Tawbah 9:4)
The fear of Allah is the source of a pure soul – it is borne out of love and obedience. Thus, a pious person is constantly driven to do good only.He/She is humble and does not flaunt piety in front of others. The fear of Allah beautifies the Iman and is the origin of all good as one continues to strive to do only what pleases Allah and stay away from the things that would displease him.
🦋 Ihsan (Goodness & Perfection)
"for Allah loves those who do good..." (Surah Ali 'Imran 3:134)

SpiritualFor the sake of Allah. (If these reminders helps you then please make dua for me)