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Assalam Wa Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatahu my lovely brothers and sisters in Islam..
How are y'all??
I really hope that everyone is well and doing well too...
Hope everyone is having a good day and if not don't worry because it's a bad day not a bad life Alhamdulillah ❤

Bis Millah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem,

Peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad(Salallaho Alayhi Wa sallam),all his blessed descendents and noble companions.


May Allah cure all those people who's suffering,May Allah forgive them and give them the highest level of Shīfa.!!


A question!
Do you not long for Allah?
Do you not long to meet Allah?
Do you not long for the hand from the Hawdh,
Which the Prophet ﷺ informed us, in a Hadith Qudsi from Allah ﷻ,
_"I have prepared for my righteous servants, that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no heart is able to percieve"_
[Sunan At-Tirmidhi 3292]

Do you not long for the words of Allah?
He ﷻ says

*اُدْخُلُوهَا بِسَلَامٍ آمِنِين*

_Enter it in peace._

Meaning, enter it free of all problems, of all worries and concerns, with tranquility and happiness.
The Righteous Soul shall be called when his soul is removed from him and it will be called on Qiyamah,
It will be called

*يأَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ ارْجِعِى إِلَى رَبِّكِ*

_O tranquil soul! Come back to your Lord._
Meaning, Come back to His company, His pleasure, the reward He has prepared.

Allah is pleased with him.


And he is pleased with Allah.

*فَادْخُلِى فِى عِبَادِى*

_Enter among my servants,_

*وَادْخُلِى جَنَّتِى*

_Enter into my Jannah._
Allah ﷻ calls you to His pleasure! To His Jannah!
Do you not long for it?

*وَ اللهُ يَدعُو إِلٰى دَارِ السَّلَامِ*

_And Allah calls to the abode of peace._
What else is there after this call?
When Allah ﷻ continuously calls you during the day,
To Salah,
To His Obedience?
Do you not long for the pleasure of Allah ﷻ?
The Jannah of Allah ﷻ?
Allah ﷻ describes Jannah as

*ذٰلِكَ الفَوزُ العَظِيم*

_That is the supreme achievement!_
But greater than even this!

*وَ رِضوَانُ اللهِ أَكَبَر*

_And the pleasure of Allah is greater!_
Do you not long for these sucesses?
What is with you, that you want to enter Jannah but you do not act in order to achieve it?! What is with you, that you think Laziness and procrastination will earn you Jannah?!
Work! Work! Work!
Make effort!

*لِمِثْلِ هَذَا فَليَعْمَلِ العَامِلُون*

_For the likes of this, let the workers work!_
What else in the Dunya occupies you, that you neglect the duty to your Lord?
If the a King or dignitary called you to receive an award, how the preparation and expense would be extensive!
Yet when the Lord of the worlds calls you, warns you, invites you, how it falls on deaf ears!


Jazak Allahu khairan kaseera.
Until next time In Shaa Allah,
____Your sister in Deen.
Assalam Wa Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatahu..

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