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I don't like goodbyes. And sometimes we don't even get the chance of saying one. Don't we?
Isn't life so cruel sometimes? One moment you're celebrating. And other moment you're mourning. How sudden the moment shift from happiness to grief. Cheerful to sad faces. Where one wants the happy times to stay longer. They don't want the sad phase to live in their life ever. You never know when is the last time you see a person or a place. And let's be honest it's so hurtful sometimes to know later that it was the last time. And when realization hits us that it was the last time. We cry. We want the moment back. So that, we could hold them a lil longer. Talk to them a lil longer. Tell them how much we loved and appreciated them. So that, we could shed tears together. The tears of seperation. But it never happens. So, learn to be kind with people. Extremely and ridiculously kind. Give them your best smile. The tightest hug. The warmest word. And the beautiful Duā's. Because nobody wants a bad ending. Nobody wants to be in people's bad memory. Especially when it's their last time here. Meet and greet as if it's their or your last time here.

“The journey of love don't end here in this duniya. Allah has created jannah for us. The place for our loved ones and us to reunite. The place where all souls wants to be. The best place. No worry, grief or pain. Only happiness and peace. May Allah reunite us with those we love in Jannah Al Firdous. Aameēn Ya Rabb!”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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