Assalam Wa Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatahu.
Another reminder for my lovely darlings who are suffering or struggling. I hope it would help you in any way In Shaa Allah!Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
To all my sisters out there
Please read this heartwarming piece, which is written just for YOU,Many Muslimahs today find themselves faced with the challenges of single parenting, either through being widowed or divorced. It is a struggle that can sometimes leave one feeling isolated, dejected, despondent. Some women lose their identity, self worth, purpose in life and battle to keep afloat the murky waters of a turbulent storm. Others cope well, have their private moments with their Lord and the world is blind to their pain, immune to their sadness and oblivious of their struggle.
To those of you who fight silent tears alone each night, longing for the comfort and warmth of a spouse, remember the lonely nights Haajar AS spent under the stars, devoid of shelter. Her refuge was her Lord. She too must have ached to be held, to be caressed, to know she had someone to share this journey of life with.What must have gone through her mind in the initial moments of isolation? She was human too, but she understood that this sacrifice was essential for something unique and significant to occur.
Today, the entire ummah pays tribute to her and honours her. Have faith my sister in the Lord of the entire universe. Soon you will witness and taste the sweetness of the fruits of your patience.Perhaps through you great works of ilm will be established or you may be honoured with children who are beacons of Islam.
To you Oh Mother who has had to let go of your children.
Imagine how the heart of the mother of Moosa AS must have shattered into a million fragments as she placed her baby into the river, knowing not what his fate would be, trusting the wisdom and command of Her Lord. But oh dear broken soul, look at how Allah SWT returned him to her, older, wiser and someone who could make her proud. She did not have the responsibility of raising him with fear and hardship, and she still had the privilege of intermittent access to him. From a distance, she could still watch him grow into an honourable young man. The same Allah who cocooned her broken heart, will calm your restless soul and quell your darkest fears. Your tears and sacrifice will not go in vain. Perhaps one day you will be the proud mother of a great scholar, who through your sacrifice, struggle and tears, Allah SWT uses to benefit humanity.
And to you oh sister who shared a passionate and intense bond with your husband, full of Mawaddah and Rahmah. To you who enjoyed a soul mate and a spouse that completed you perfectly, and lost him due to tragedy, death or some other circumstance.
To you who cannot ever imagine such a relationship ever again. I ask you dear friend to look no further than the example of Umm Salamah RA. A woman just like you and I who enjoyed a perfect relationship with her husband Abu Salamah RA. Who did Allah SWT replace him with?
None other than the best of creation, the Master SAW.
Do you think that the same Allah SWT who loves you more than your mother will forsake you?
Will reject you?
Will neglect you?
Will abandon you?
He is Al'Wadood. ...The Creator of Love.
Just as He causes the sun to rise after a dark night, so too will He lift your sorrow and sadness.
Turn to Him dear sister.
He listens.
He responds.
He replaces.
He heals.
He honours.
"Verily my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are for Allah alone, the Lord of the universe."
(Quran 6:162)Jazak Allahu khairan my lovely ukhti. I hope you learnt something from this.
Sabr, Sabrun Jameel.
Until next time,
_yours sister in Islam
السلام عليكم ورحمة اللّٰه وبركاته

SpiritualFor the sake of Allah. (If these reminders helps you then please make dua for me)