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Assalam Wa Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatahu...

Bis Millah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem..,,


There is an Ayah in the Qur'an where Allāh promises us that if we thank Him then He will surely grant us more.

And SubhanAllāh, it's not just to do with wealth. It's to do with everything.

If Allāh has guided you, thank Him and He will keep you steadfast. If He teaches you something new regarding the Deen, thank Him and He will increase you in knowledge. If happiness surrounds you, then thank Him and He will give you even more things to be happy about.

Just a few moments of pondering over the bounties of Allāh can increase our Imaan! Alhamdulillāh Alhamdulillāh Alhamdulillāh ala kulli hal! ♥️

Jazak Allahu khairan katheera,
Hope you're having a good day,
Until next time,
____your sister in Islam,
Assalam Wa Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatahu❤

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