Assalam Wa'Alaikum Wa'Rahmatullahi Wa'Barkatahu,
How are y'all?
I dedicate this chapter toAyn410 because she said i should write it,love you ukthi and read this too.
I hope you're doing well,studying well,working well In Shaa Allah.
I don't think so that there is something wrong to tell people(girls)that you're menstruating,is it?
I don't really think so and that's why I'm writing this long chapter to help those people who don't know what to do while they're menstruating.,
-"And remind,Indeed every reminder benefits the believer"
[51:55]Bis Millah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem,
The least amount of days of mensuration is "3 days and 3 nights". The most of which is "10 days and 10 nights"
Whatever is less than 3 days and night is considered as uterine bleeding. And whatever is more than 10 days and 10 nights is considered uterine bleeding as well.
This means that the "rules of mensuration would not apply to such a person." According to Islamic law, she will be considered pure hence Salaah and fasting in Ramadhaan will be compulsory upon her.
Mensuration makes both Salaah and fasting non obligatory upon a woman. There is no Qadha (making up) for missed Salawaat but the "missed days of fasting has to be made up." (Qadha)
She is not allowed to enter the masjid, make Tawaaf around the Ka’bah, have any sexual relations with her husband, touch or read the Quraan whether looking in the Quraan or by memorisation.
She’s not allow to touch the area in which there is an Ayah of the Quraan. Example: Any book which has Ayaat written in it in the "Arabic text." It is not permissible for her to touch that specific area where the Ayah is written.
She is however allow to hold the Quraan, if she used a different cloth and picks it up. But she can not use the clothing she is wearing. Example. She’s wearing a Hijaab. She can’t use part of it to lift the Quraan. However if she takes it off and use it to pick it up, it is then permissible.
There has to be "15 days of purity between each cycle." If it is less than 15 days, it will be considered uterine bleeding. Hence Salaah and fasting will be obligatory. There is no maximum amount for days of purity between two cycles.
Except in the following scenario:
She has her period for four days. It then stopped. She made Ghusl, started praying etc. After two days, it returned and continued for two days. Since she is within the limit of 10 days being the maximum days of menstruation, this will be considered her period. As well as the days in which she thought she was pure. There will be no sin upon her for praying etc. As she thought she was pure.
So in this scenario, she thought her period was 4 days. But since it returned, her actual period is in fact 8 days. Meaning the first four days. The two days she thought she was pure. And the two days it returned.
Consider the following scenario as well using the same example as above:
When her period returned, it continued for 6 days. She will consider her period as ten days. Meaning the first four days. The two days of purity. Four days of the returning of her period. The remaining two days from the 6 days of its return will be considered as uterine bleeding. This is because, as mentioned before, 10 days and nights is the maximum days of menstruation.
"Rulings pertaining to uterine bleeding:
The ruling with regards to such a girl that has uterine bleeding is that she must
"perform ablution for each Salaah time," and with that Wudhu, one may carry out all the various prayers and worships. When the time of the prayer exits, Wudhu will be nullified and it will be necessary to renew it.Therefore, the Wudu will remain throughout the time of the prayer. One may offer obligatory prayers, optional prayers, touch the Qur’an and all the other forms of worship that require Wudhu as long as that Salaah "time" remains.
Once the Salaah "time comes to an end" fresh Wudu must be made. However, if apart from this bleeding, Wudhu becomes nullified due to some other reason, then the Wudhu will break and one will have to renew it.
It is worth remembering here that Wudhu will become "nullified due to the exiting of the Salaah times" and not the entering of the subsequent Salaah time. Normally, the exiting of one Salat time is the entering time for the next Salat. However, this is not the case with the time between Fajr and Dhuhr Salaah. The time of Fajr prayer ends at sunrise, but Zuhr time does not commence until midday (Zawaal). Therefore, the time of exiting will be considered and not the time of entering.
And Allah knows best.
"Ibaadah to do when in menstruation"
1. Any dhikr (remembrance of Allah)
2. Recite Duas for doing each action in our daily lives as according to Sunnah.
3. Recite Ayaat that has the meaning of Dua with the "intention of Dua"not as recitation from the Quraan.
4. Durood can be sent to Nabi ﷺ.
5. Reading of beneficial books.
6. Listening to the Quraan, beneficial lectures etc.
7. Encouraging others to do good. Example encouraging someone to pray, read Quraan. You will get the reward as well without their reward being decreased.
Some dhikr and duas:
1) SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Laa ilaaha illalaa, Allahu Akbar, Laa lawla wa laa quwwata illaa billah.
2) Rabbana aatinaa fid dunyaa hasanah wa fil aakhirati hasanah. Wa qinaa adhaaban naar.
3) Rabbighfir lee war hamnee.
4) Allahumma ajirnee minan naar.
5) Rabbana dhalama anfusana wa illam taghfir lanaa wa tarhamnaa la nakoonanna minal khaasireen.
6) Rabbish rahlee sadri wa yassir lee amrii wahlol ‘uqdatam mil lisaani. Yafqahoo qauli.
And many more.
And Allah knows best.
I hope it was beneficial In Shaa Allah,
I ask Allah to forgive us,give us hidayah to do things as it is in the Sharia or hadith and that he makes us increase in knowledge,help us to seek more knowledge In Shaa Allah,
Jazak Allahu khairan kaseera,
Until next time In Shaa Allah,
____your sister in Islam,
Assalam Wa'Alaikum Wa'Rahmatullahi Wa'Barkatahu.

SpiritualFor the sake of Allah. (If these reminders helps you then please make dua for me)