Assalam Wa Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatahu..,,how are you lovely people?
Bis Millah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem,,
Your boyfriend VS Your Aakhirah,
Dear Sisters,You think your Boyfriend will Marry you in Halal Way...
You think Your Boyfriend will make you a Good Muslimah...
You think your Boyfriend will make you a righteous Woman...
You think Your Boyfriend will give you Happiness and blessings...
You think Your Boyfriend will make you near to Your Lord (Allah SWT)...
You think your Boyfriend will be with you in this world and Akhira...
You think Your Boyfriend will give you Jannah...
You think Your Boyfriend will Ask your Hand from your Family in Halal Way...
Sisters...No No NoYou are Disobeying Allah Decision...
You're Destroying your life...
Your boyfriend will Weak your Imaan...
Your Boyfriend will Destroy your Deen...
Your Boyfriend will give you always Sadness...
Your Boyfriend will Leave you in this World...
Your Boyfriend will make you Far away from Allah...
Trust me,A real man never makes Girlfriend,if a Man really loves you,he'll make you his in a Halal way,he'll never destroy your Akhirah..
May be your parents are not aware of you being in a relationship but remember that Allah is watching you,Angels are writing..
Never break their trust dear sisters,your parents loves you alot,you're a pride of your father,your Mother raised you to become a good Muslimah...DON'T let yourself fall in for some stupid guy,,,Fall for the one whom Allah has written your name,Love in a halal way,,
Because Halal is beautiful,
Your Family Care about you and about your Future, Your family Loves you and ALLAH loves you even much more than you can imagine...first Love ALLAH alone then give your heart to the one who is closer to your Lord..
Your Family Wants your Goodness and Happiness ❤💞👪
Respects their Decisions
Marry in Halal way..Jazak Allahu khairan kaseera..,,
Until next time,,
______your sister in Islam..,,
Assalam Wa Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatahu❤

SpiritualFor the sake of Allah. (If these reminders helps you then please make dua for me)