Assalam Wa'Alaikum Wa'Rahmatullahi Wa'Barkatahu,How are honeys?
Bis Millah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem,
Peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad(Salallaho Alayhi Wa sallam),all his blessed descendents and noble companions.
(Ameēn)I just wanted to remind us all...a lot of times we think we are "good" people at heart and that Allah will forgive us and that we will go to Jannah because our sins aren't " that big or bad" compared to others. I fall into this trap often.
But in Surah Muddatthir, Allah says that after the day of judgement the good will be in their gardens in Jannah and they will ask about those who are in Hell (I imagine this as people wanting to know where their friends or family are and why they're not with them)
And they will say to those in Hell, what led you into the Fire? (I imagine this to be like they're shocked...why is this person in Hell??")
And they will respond to them and say that they were "criminals"... Allah calls them "criminals"in the Quran! That's a heavy word for Allah to call you.
So they explain what the criminal is according to Allah on the Day of judgement
1. Those who don't pray their Salah.
2. Those who don't feed the poor
3. Those who indulge in vain talk with the vain talkers (vain talk is anything Allah dislikes- including what we write on WhatsApp or Facebook or Instagram etc... including what we keep up with like meaningless celebrity gossip etc..)
4. Those who deny the day of judgement a lot of Muslims think that we would never fit into this category but we would because belief is actions in Islam, not just by tongue. So if we are doing things that make it seem as if we have no care in the world or no fear of being accounted for our sins after we die then it's as if we are denying the day of judgement. _Example: If someone told us that a major deadly hurricane is coming tomorrow we would all prepare and leave, the ones who stay continuing their daily lives are the ones who don't believe that the hurricane will come or believe in the severity of the hurricane.
The Prophet Sallalluhu Alayhi Wa sallam said:whoever says about a believer that which is not true,Allah will make him dwell in the puss/sweat of the people of hell fire until he takes back what he said.
[Sunan Abu Dawud]
Think before you speak ill about anyone,May Allah forgive us and Guide us..!!
Jazaki Allahu khairan kaseera,
Until next time In Shaa Allah,
_your sister in Islam,
Assalam Wa'Alaikum Wa'Rahmatullahi Wa'Barkatahu..!!
SpiritualFor the sake of Allah. (If these reminders helps you then please make dua for me)