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"Maybe you should tone it down a bit." I said watching as Nick coated his lips in more gloss.

He rolled his eyes and continued to look at his self in the mirror as he wiped the corners of his mouth.

"So now you got a problem with my lips?" He asked.

"I been wearing lipgloss for years Taymor."

"I know Nick. I just don't like that shit." I admitted.

" and I just don't give a fuck." He said bluntly

He turned to me and squeezed more gloss on his lips and rubbed them together slowly as if he was trying to prove a point.

Truth is it's not about the way it looks on him. That shit is just hella sticky and he'll apply it in 30 layers as if all that's necessary,

Nick popped his lips and puckered them at me.

I looked down at them disgusted.

"I'm not kissing you with that shit on your lips." I told him.

He let out a huff and closed the tube and set it down.

"Am I too girly for you or something?" He asked with an attitude.

"Nobody said that shit Nick." I sighed.
"You definitely are acting like a little bitch on her period though."

"Now I'm a bitch?"

"I didn't even-you know what...

Yeah. you are."

"Especially since you in your feelings over some dumb ass shit like lipgloss."

"That shit not even for niggas no way." I scoffed.

"Do you be forgetting that you have a whole dick between your legs or something?"

Nick's mouth dropped open and he looked at me for a while before his eyes started to get glossy.

He started blinking rapidly and turned away from me.

I didn't mean for it to come out like that.

"Come on Nick. That crying shit Is unnecessary." I sighed.

"Imma just go Taymor. I'm sorry if my sexuality is making you uncomfortable."

"WHAT? I'm gay to-

"Whatever." He mumbled.

"I'm going to the mall or something." He said throwing on his oversized yellow hoodie and grabbing his phone.

I reached out to touch him and he pulled away.


He ignored me and slid some earrings in his ear.

I watched as he took his dreads out of his scarf and shook them around.

"You don't got to leave." I told him.

"Nah. I'm sorry that I'm not acting like I got a dick between my legs but honestly sometimes I wish that I didn't."

"You wouldn't understand that though so let me leave before you trigger me."

He pushed passed me and walked towards the door.

I pulled him back by the hood of his hoodie and he groaned.

"I'm sorry aight?" I admitted.
"I went to far."

"Sorry doesn't fix every fucked up thing you say Taymor! You know how I feel about the way I am!" He shouted.

"I should've thought about what I said more and never let that leave my mouth. Forgive me Nick? Please?"

He shook his head at me and sighed.

"Do you accept me Taymor?" He asked.

"If I ever wanted to go full trans would you support me? Still love me? Want to be with me?" He asked.

I took his hand in mine and brought it up to his eye level.

"You see that?" I asked looking down at the glistening ring on his finger.

He nodded.

"I gave you that in 10th grade man." I said admiring it.

"You should know by now that Taymor doesn't break his promises." I remind him.

"You are my first love and the love of my life. I'm was out of line and Im admitting it because I feel bad for saying that shit. It just slipped. I do really love you no matter what Nick. Okay?"

He bit his lip and played with the ring on his finger.

"If you ever wanted to go full trans and start wearing wigs, fake eyelashes and even nails, I'm okay with it." I tell him.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"You just got annoyed with me being a nigga that wears lipgloss." He raised his eyebrow.

"I wasn't annoyed, you were just putting way too much on and it's sticky and shit." I admit.

"By "tone it down" I was just suggesting that you put on less."

"I'll work on it though. What I said was still fucked up and I really am sorry"

"Thank you Taymor."

(Trans Nick? 👀)

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