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"I said are you okay? You been staring at your phone like that for 10 minutes." Kentrell pointed out.


I quickly shut it off and tucked it in my pocket.

"I was just reading something." I shrugged not wanting to talk about it at all.


Kentrell leaned in and wrapped his arms around me, resting his head on my shoulder as we stood in line.

"You're always touching me." I laughed a little at the feeling.

"I'm just trynna show you how you should've been being treated Nick." He said nuzzling into my neck.

I shook him off, giggling a little as people began to stare.

"Y'all are such a beautiful couple." An older white lady said with a smile.

"T-Thanks." I smiled back.

She nodded and went back to doing whatever as Kentrell began laughing from behind me.

I rolled my eyes cause I already knew it was because of that word the lady called us.

"Couple" no.
Not right now anyways.

I can't deny that I was loving spending time with him but it was hard to see someone who was like my "bestfriend" in that way.

Or maybe I was just to use to my ex that it was hard to see anybody else in that way.

"Move up." Kentrell said snapping me out my thoughts.

I did as he said and let out a sigh seeing how we were still so far away from being inside.

"It's been like 2 hours." I whined.
"My legs are getting so tired."

"Stop complaining." Kentrell sighed.
"You wanted to come here right?"

"But I didn't know it would take this long to get a damn phone." I huffed.

"They just came out though Nick." He reminded me.
"You wanted the newest phone so bad so you wait your turn."

I rolled my eyes and moved up just a little bit which I had been doing since we got here.

We were barely a few feet away from where we had started in the line so why would I not be growing impatient.

I knew it would take a while but I ain't expect to be here all day but I needed a new phone.

And I wasn't leaving without one for the exact reason that my phone was vibrating in my pocket right now.

I was getting death threats.

See, even though I blocked Taymor he still knew my number which only had him constantly blowing me up from different phones. I had blocked each and every single one too but it seemed to always be another number he could use.

I ignored his pleads to talk and work things out for so long that now he was threatening to kill Kentrell and Me.

I didn't think he would actually do it though.
But maybe ignoring them wasn't the best idea. On top of that, I still hadn't told Kentrell because I didn't even want him in my mess anymore.

He just kept handling things when it came to me and I was really still acting as weak as I was by letting him do that.

Who's to say Kentrell won't turn around and start doing the same kind of thing.

Then what would I do?

I had to learn how to stop depending on people so much because he could turn around and hurt me just as easily as the person who I thought was "the love of my life" did.

"You keeping the same number right?" Kentrell asked, as we got a little closer.

"No." I answered quickly.
"I wanna change it."

"You sure?" He asked, making me nod.

He didn't even understand why but I wasn't going to tell him.

This is my mess.
I'll finish the rest of it.


"You're so pretty."
"You look like a fairy or something."

I smiled at the little girl who tilted her head as she looked up at me.

"Are you a boy or a girl?"

"I'm a boy." I admit.
"but thank you."

"You look a girl." She said, grabbing one of my hands and examining it.

I don't know why but I took that as a compliment.

"I'm ugly." She said randomly.
"I wish I looked more like you."

"You're not ugly at all." I smiled.

"You really think so?" She asked.

"I would never lie to you."

She was really happy and even giggled a little, but then I realized that this girls mother was probably looking for her because she was all by herself.

"Where is your mother hun?" I asked, stooping down to her level.

"I-I don't have one."

She took her hands and began playing in my dreads.

"I'm sorry."

"She died." She shrugged.

"Mines too."

"Mines had cancer." She said randomly. "What about yours."


A deep voice boomed, making her jump and she quickly let go of my hair and went to follow it.

It was only when she turned around did I notice the dark bruises exposed on her arms and the way she kind of limped.

I could here her dad yelling at her and she cried loudly which only made me cry too.

Life is too much sometimes.
Weak people are always put in the hands of evil and it's just not fair.

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