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Final Part:

"Go in there and get some snacks." Taymor said putting the car in park as he handed me change from his pocket.

"What do you want?" I asked putting my hood up over my head and pulling the strings so my face was barely visible.

"You know what I like." He said looking at me for an understanding and I nodded.

"I'll be back."

"I know."

I sighed and got out of the car heading into the 711 with nothing on my mind except getting what Taymor wanted me to.

Scanning the variety I finally found what I was looking for. Picking up the pack of purple skittles, I reminisced the time in 9th grade where all this had started.

The first time we ever spoke was when he built up enough courage to ask me for some skittles after I brought them everyday in hopes that he would.

I always knew how much he loved the purple kind. Some things about him are just embedded in my mind-couldn't forget them if I tried.

"I am bitch shut up!" I heard a few isle over as my body grew still at the sound of a voice I hadn't heard in months.

(Continuation of introduction scene)


"Where he at?" I questioned Nick not even sure what was going through his head right now as he zoned out.

He looked at me and shook his head.
"I...um...I gotta go." He said attempting to turn back around and walk off before I grabbed his arm.

He looked down at the body contact we shared before his breathing hitched and his face flushed with red.

"Let go." He said barely audible.

"Where is he at Nick?" I questioned again, slightly raising my voice.

"LET GO OF ME!" He said trying to pull away now gaining attention from other people in the store.


Nick gave me a fearful look and remained quiet as he briefly looked in the direction of outside, saying it all.

I let him go and began to walk out swiftly, still holding things I had yet to pay for.

"HEY! HEY!" Someone shouted only to be ignored as I made it outside.

I scanned the area for Taymor and spotted his car parked a little ways up the street.
Nick called after me and I ignored him running up on the car that held just the person I wanted to see.

I dropped the snacks down, cracking my already rough knuckles before knocking on the window to get his attention.

His head shot up from its previous resting state and he looked at me confused.

"OPEN THE DOOR BITCH." I demanded loud enough for him to hear me.

He furrowed his eyebrows before stepping out not breaking the intense eye contact we shared.

"Nigga, What's you proble-

I connected my fist with his jaw in an instant not even caring for anything he had to say. Catching him off guard, he touched his jaw and let out some spit before his face went blank.

Swinging at me wreckessly, I ate every hit and did his ass 3 times worse trying my very hardest to hurt him as bad as I could.

We fought in the middle of the street, holding up traffic and gaining attention from bystanders as even people neither of us knew tried to hold us back.

I flung him around fighting him as if he hadn't been someone who I once had love for, who I use to call my brother, my best friend.

The bond we had diminished by the second as I took in every piece of pain I felt for Nick and threw punches without stopping for a second to rethink.

I regret it.

Every time I told Nick he was the one for him, every time I would idolized their relationship, every time I even listen to Taymor talk about how he loved Nick so much and vice versa-it all meant nothing now.

Nick jumped in front of me saying things I couldn't even understand at the moment as my mind focused hard on the one main problem right now.

Seeing Nick's pleading face was what held me back from doing way worse as I zoned back in after a while of him begging me to stop.

I looked over at Taymor who laid out on the ground now bloody and beat way worse than he could even do Nick.

What he deserved.

Hearing Sirens, I grabbed Nick and pulled him with me as he reached out to Taymor blubbering and screaming more nonsense about me "hurting him" like I gave 10 shits about any of that.

All I cared about was Nick.

He fell to the ground, falling out in a tantrum like a child and screaming as if I was going to hurt him. People looked at me like I was some kind of kidnapper who was taking him against his own will but fuck it-

let me be that then.

I picked Nick up bridal style and carried him as he cried senselessly.

"You're gonna be aight now, you hear me?"

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