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(I hope this makes sense 😬)


"If I have to tie you down I will." Kentrell threatened as I begged once again for him to let me leave.

"You put him in the hospital." I sniffed, just thinking about how hurt he could be.
"Pleaseeee Kentrell. I wan-I need to see him."

"Do you really think that I give a fuck Nick!" Kentrell said, growing visibly angry as he backed me into a wall.

My heart sped up as he only made me think of Taymor more by doing so. Feeling my eyes water in an instant I looked up at his frustrated face.

"I-I'm sor-

"See! The fact that you're even scared of me is proof enough you don't need to be anywhere around him." Kentrell spat.

I clenched up my fist now even more upset that he was treating me like this.
"So I'm just suppose to be held hostage here while my boyfriend is in critical condition?!"

"I didn't do him that bad." Kentrell huffed.
"Maybe if you hadn't got in the way-

"It's been 3 DAYS Kentrell!" I pleaded the same thing I had been all day.

"No." He said bluntly, shrugging me off.

"What am I g-gonna do then!? Huh!"

"Finish nurse school like you wanted, play in makeup cause it makes you happy, -not get hit on everyday...you know, that kind of shit." Kentrell said sarcastically.

"I mean do you even have interest in those things you use to love anymore?" He asked.

I looked away with a scoff, thinking of how I hadn't even thought about myself too much lately. The things that made me-me, got drowned out by everything I had going on and I would be lying if I said Taymor being a burden wasn't the main reason.

"Look at you Nick!" Kentrell continued making me roll my eyes at yet another lecture.

"You don't even care about the way you look anymore." Kentrell pointed out.

"You use to be obsessed with looking in the mirror every few seconds but now you purposely avoid it."

"Can you tell me why that is Nick?"

I gave him a blank stare growing tired of him preaching to me.

"Tell me what you see when you look in the mirror now." Kentrell said as I ignored him due to the major irritation he was causing.

"You know what..." He grabbed me by my hair making me gasp as the feeling was all too dreadful.

Pulling me by the dreads, tears weld up in my eyes and fell as I almost spoke the words "stop." But I was now growing tired of saying it as no one cared to listen anymore.

Pushing me inside the bathroom, the deja-vu was all to real as he flickered on the lights leaving me in front of a mirror I didn't want to take even a half a second to look up at.

"LOOK AT YOURSELF NICK!" He screamed only to be mellowed out by my thoughts preventing me from being fully focused on this conversation.

Feeling his rough hands attacking my head again, I hyperventilated as he forced my head into an upright position and I was forced to stare at the face that scared me time and time again.

Although slightly fading and healing, the pain it had caused felt as if the marks he left would be there forever. My lightskin making it no better to get over, I already knew exactly why I've been scared of everything lately.

"I look just like my mom did."


It had been kind of hard to get my heavy eyes open as I woke up with the all to familiar feeling of puffiness I had around them from crying myself to sleep-something that was now routine.

Feeling an unusual warmth from underneath me, I lifted up my head, now seeing that I was laying on a bare chest that rose up and down, ever so lightly.

I widened my eyes and felt around for my clothes almost in panic until I realized they were still there, ridding my mind of any thought I had about this situation before.

My head was pulled back down as Kentrell let out a groan.

"don't even try it." He mumbled groggily.

I complied, having no other option but to do so seeing as how he thought I would leave at any chance I got-which actually wasn't false.

Letting out a breath, I looked down at his stomach and took my finger along the skin, beginning to trace infinity signs. When my mind grew restless, such a thing calmed me down more than deep breaths or meditation ever could.

I did it repeatedly until Kentrell began to stir in his sleep, moving my hand away with a chuckle.

"That tickles, stop."

Tucking my hand away, the restless feeling hadn't subsided even a little as I began to think again.


I looked over at Kentrell who looked back with low eyes and motioned me even closer than I had already been.

I did as he said now being only a few centimeters from touching his face with mine.

He looked at me for a while, examining everything on my face before leaning in even closer than he had already been.

I nearly moved seeing his lips now pucker up but yet I didn't. Next thing I knew, a soft kiss was placed on my forehead, making the eyes I didn't even know I had closed, flutter open.

My stomach twisted into a knot as I looked at him confused only for him to go for my cheek that held the biggest bruise next and then the other cheek that held the healing scratch wound.

The kisses feeling unlike the rough sexual ones Taymor would give me and more like the kind that would make things better in a way that wasn't literal.

He looked down at my lips before backing up and moving his stare back to my eyes.

"I've been trying to fill this void you left me with and I've had no luck." He started.

"This isn't a good time-in fact it's probably the worse time possible to tell you this considering everything that's going on but it weighs to heavily on my heart so I need to get it out."

"I love you Nick." He confessed.

"And I'm not expecting anything in return. I just want to tell you that I feel that from every part of me."

I looked up at him with now a million and one things running through my head so much so, the only word I could muster out at the time was:


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