• Prologue •

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May 30th, 2007

I sighed for the millionth time today. Everything that was going through my head, was about my future with my boyfriend, Joe. We're too young for this kind of responsibility. Wait, is twenty-two mature enough?

We're too young to have a baby but the idea of having a baby with the love of my life made me excited and scared at the same time.

We were about to graduate from college and follow our dreams. Would a baby change all of that? Maybe but the little human growing inside of my belly said otherwise. There will be a lot of responsibility, but I could do it.

"Hey baby girl," Joe says plopping down on the couch next to me. "O-oh hey" 

"How was your day?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. 

"It-it was okay but um...I have something to tell you."

He smiled at me, "Okay, I love you too babe."

I rolled my eyes, "Um, that's not what I was going to say."

"Wait, are you breaking with me?" Joe asked, my eyes widen. 

"No, no baby. I would never" I shake my head. "But you might will when I tell you this"

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing. Um, you know that I haven't been feeling well for the past couple of weeks right?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Um well, I went to the doctor with my sister, Tiara and I found out that I- um I'm-i'm pregnant," I said, looking down, not wanting to see the result.

"Wait... what?" He asks.

"I'm pregnant with your child, Joe. You're gonna be a Daddy" I explained. Joe just stared at me shocked, he stood up quickly and started pacing back and forth.

"I'm gonna be a- holy..." He begins to panic and I just sat there on the couch, trying to stay calm.

"No... you gotta be joking. Are you joking, you're joking right?" He asked with a chuckle. 

"No, this is not a fucking joke. I'm pregnant, Joe and if you don't believe me then here's the pregnancy test and ultrasound pictures" I said getting up from the couch, grabbing my purse from the counter table to get the pregnancy test and ultrasound pictures.

I walked back over to him and handed it to him, Joe just looked down at the ultrasound pictures and shook his head, not trying to believe this.

"Charlie, I love you so much and I'd love to have kids with you, but right now isn't a good time I mean I-I can't be a father. My football career is about to take off and this just too fucking much" Joe says shaking his head.

I looked at him with so much disappointment and anger, "So what am I supposed to do? cause I sure as hell not giving the baby away or getting an abortion"

Joe shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know"

I clenched my jaw, "No matter how much responsibility is required for this, I don't care because Joe, I want this baby so whether you like it or not, I'm gonna keep it!" You screamed at him.

Joe didn't say anything and he didn't need to say anything because I already knew how he felt.

"And If you don't want to be our child's life then that's ok with me because I'd rather raise my baby on my own than have a boyfriend who doesn't want his child at all."

"So I hope you have an amazing fucking career and life," I said grabbing my purse, about to walk out the door but I stopped, expecting him, to beg and plead for me to stay but I got nothing. 

So I rush out of his dorm building, to my 1997 Jeep Cherokee and slide into the driver's seat, closing the door and starting the car. As I buckled my seat belt, tears started to come rushing down my face fast.

What was I gonna do now?

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