Chapter 1 | Youth

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I slide down to the floor as I just got done throwing my brains out, mixed with my tears. My best friend and roommate, LANA was here; rubbing circles on my back for comfort but it wasn't helping. 

My heart was broken and I didn't know how I was gonna raise a baby by myself. I've been throwing up every half hour which made Lana worry. 

My eyes starting to close. "It's gonna be okay, Charlie" Lana began but I cut her off.

"No, it's not Lana. Joe left me, HE FUCKING LEFT TO PLAY FUCKING FOOTBALL instead of fucking manning up and taking care of his respectability." I said, shaking my head. 

"I've should've known such a coward ass, selfish, self-centered dickhead when I see one. Man, I fucking hate him, I'm pregnant with his child and he leaves me like this. I thought he loved me and cared about me" I yelled with tears coming down my face, getting up and grabbing my toothbrush to brush my teeth.

"I know Charlie. I hate that he hurt you and left you but you shouldn't share one tear for that bastard. I know it's hard to get over him but you got to think what's best for your child now. You got to be strong for him or her." Lana says. 

"What if I'm not a good mom?" I said turning towards her after I was done brushing my teeth.

"Stop being so negative. You have me, your sister and parents. You are gonna be a great mother ever, Charlie" She says with a smile.

"Thank you so much, Lana and I'm sorry if I'm being a burden to you" I cried pulled her into a hug.

"Girl, shut up. You are not a burden to me, you are my sister and best friend I love you to death and I never want to see you hurt or in pain. I promise you, I got your back for life" Lana says pulling me away, give me a smile and I smiled back at her, pulling her back into a hug.

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It's been four months now and being pregnant was the fucking worse, the first two months were fucking shit. Throwing up, going through a breakup, being depressed, being sick was just hell but I knew at the end of the day, that it was gonna be so worth it when my baby girl or boy was born which I wanted to be a surprise when I found out the gender of the baby.

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