Chapter 10 | Perfect Duet

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I had finally hit my due date and there were no twins yet.

 As if they had read my thoughts, I felt them kick my side which made me smile. "Come on babies, it's time to come out. I want to see both of your beautiful faces" I whispered to them.

"Babe, who are you talking to?" Joe asked standing at the door entrance. "Them," I said, pointing to my big round belly.

"Right," Joe says and I rolled my eyes at him, trying to get up but it was really hard since I carrying two human beings in me, so I quickly give up and Joe could help to laugh at how cute I was.

"It's not funny, Joe" I whined, making a pout face. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms waist to touch my belly.

"Let me try," Joe says, I nodded with a smile.

"Hey my little ones, come on out some, your mommy and sister can see your beautiful faces. Daddy loves you both " He says kissing my belly then rubbing it which he felt a kick and that's it.

"Well, I gave-" I cut him off when I felt painful tightness around my back and belly. 

"Oh, shit" I grabbed onto Joe's arms.

"Hey, Charlotte. you ok?" Joe asked with worry in his eyes. "I think you did it"

"Did what? What do you mean?" He asked. "We need to go to the hospital, I think the twins are finally coming" I groaned.

"Uh okay, let's go," Joe says quickly getting up and then helping me up while calling Alex from upstairs to get my baby bag, we've been preparing for this for the longest and now it was finally going to happen.

"Mommy are you ok?" Alex asked worried as we get into the car. "Kinda, baby. I'm just having contractions, now put your seat belt o-FUCKING DOG SHIT" I cut myself off with groan of pain.

"It's gonna be alright Charlotte, just keep breath okay," Joe says, letting his right hand rub my leg for a minute before returning it back to the steering wheel. I did what I was told, breathing in and out but suddenly I felt a wave of pressure between legs and then felt warm wetness lapped through my jeans.

"Joe?" I called his came. he quickly looked over at me then back at the road. "What babe, you ok. We are almost at the hospital"

"My waters just broke," I whispered. Joe just nodded, eyes going wide. When we finally made it to the hospital, the nurse immediately came our way when Joe announced that I was going into labor.

They helped me into a wheelchair to go me ready for the delivery room, "I don't know if I can do it, Joe" I started to sob through gritted my teeth as grip his hand so tight that his hand might start bleeding.

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