Chapter 10 | Disrespectful

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When I rolled over to cuddle into Charlie's neck, my face landed on her pillow. I jumped up and looked around in an empty bed, no sign of Charlie but there was music coming from downstairs. 

So I got up, went to use the bathroom first then went downstairs and saw Charlie dancing in the kitchen while making breakfast, I couldn't help to smile at her.

"You wake up, flawless. Post up, flawless. Ridin' round in it, flawless" She sang while flipping a pancake.

"Charlotte" I called her name and she jumped, quickly turn down the music.

"Oh hey good morning, haha. How did you sleep well?" Charlie asked with a smile, putting the last pancake on a plate.

"Yeah but I woke up in the bed alone" I whined, wrapping my arms around her waist. 

"Awee, I'm sorry but here," She says, before kissing my cheek, she handle me a plate full of bacon, eggs, and side of pancakes.

"I would have stayed in bed with you but I wanted to make you and Alex breakfast so sit, I'm go get our daughter up," Charlie says leaving and soon she comes back with Alex.

"Good Morning Daddy!" Alex greeted me with a side hug then sat next to me. "Morning Baby girl did you sleep well?"

"Yeah!" She nods, taking the plate Charlie made her. After chatting and eating breakfast as a family, Charlie cleans the kitchen while Alex and I were in the living room watching TV.

"Hey Joe" Charlie called my name, I got up and walked to her. "Yeah what's wrong?"

"I know I said I wasn't gonna be busy this weekend but I just got a call for Lana about a meeting with the label. I'll be right back for lunchtime" She says, already had her purse and jacket on.

"Don't go, mommy" Alex begged. "Yeah, don't go" Alex and I gave her our puppy dog eyes which made her, rolled her eyes. 

"Oh my gosh, you two. I'll be back by lunch I promise." Charlie says, giving me a quick peck on the lips and a quick peck on Alex's forehead. 

"Alright, see you at lunchtime," I said with a wave. "Bye Bye"

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After the meeting with the label, I was on my way back home but on my way, I decided to stop by a local market to buy some vegetables and fresh fruit. When I got home, drove into the driveway there was an unfamiliar car parked on the side in front of my house. When I got to the door, Alex swings the door opened and ran to hug me.

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