Chapter 2 | The Weekend

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Friday, July 22nd, 2017

It was the day before, I was marrying the love of my life and I couldn't be more excited and nervous than ever and I knew Charlotte felt the same too but we both just hoping everything goes smooth and right as planned.

"Charlotte?" I called out as entering the penthouse we rent on the beach, not getting an answer.

She must be upstairs since I could hear music coming from there and indeed I did found her upstairs, dancing in her underwear while listening to Drake. I walked fully into the room as my eyes went down to her ass as she started moving her hips side to side then she just started popping it.

"Like controlla, controlla, yeah" Charlie sings, finally turns around.

"JOE??" She screamed, trying to cover herself. I don't know why it's not like I haven't seen her beautiful body before but I just smirked at her.

"Damn, baby! Why don't you twerk like that for me?" I asked with a chuckle, moving over to her as she cuts the music.

"Joe, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be getting for the rehearsal dinner with-" I hushed her with my finger.

"Shh, baby you talk too much. And I'm here because I haven't seen you in three days so I sneak away from the guys to come to see my beautiful soon-to-be wife" I said pulling her closer to me to kiss up her neck, her jawline to her lips.

"Joe!" Charlie says, pulling away from me which made me frowned at her.

"What's wrong baby!?" I asked looking down at her. 

"I'm just nervous, our big day is literally tomorrow afternoon," Charlie says with a sigh.

"Wait, you're not having secon-" I started but she cut me off.

"No, babe. Of course not" Charlie says, shaking her head while cupping my cheek. 

"I just want everything to be perfect and smooth. It was already stressful planning this huge ass wedding, Just want us to have a stress-free wedding and honeymoon" Charlie explained, I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Well, hey you did hire the best goddamn wedding planner in the world, I think Natalie got this and I don't think she'll let us down," I said, started kissing her neck again.

"Now, come on. Give me some sugar cause I missed this beautiful body of yours" I said, moving up to her lips while I picking her up to lay on the bed and things soon got heated and intimate.

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