Chapter 7 | Taken

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"How the hell do you get my number?" I asked with an annoyed tone, Jordan sighed "I need to talk to you in person please?"

"Hell no, goodbye!" I was about hang up but the man started begging. "Wait,wait,wait. Please, Charlie, this is very important for you and your family to know" Jordan begged.

"What do you mean, "important"?" I asked, "Come, met me and found out," he says, I couldn't believe I was about to say this.

"Fine but I'm bringing my bodyguard Bill with me, so don't try any shit with me" I said rubbing my forehead. "Thanks Charlie, you'll be thanking me about this later" Jordan says over the phone.

"Yeah, whatever. Just tell me where you want to meet up" I said rolling my eyes.

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Walking to the front door quietly as possible, "Where do you think you're going?" Joe asked wrapping his arms around my big belly, started kissing up and down my neck. 

"Uh just the store with Bill, you need anything?" I asked awkwardly, trying my best to act normal. "Oh no babe but be back home soon okay," Joe says in a fatherly way, I rolled my eyes.

"Okay dad!" I said sarcastically, he laughed and give me a quick peck on the lips, I walked out of the house to the car, Bill opened the door for me and I got in thanking him. Once we got to the small cafe, Bill helped me out of the car and walked behind me when entering the restaurant. 

And in seconds, I was sitting in front of Jordan. "So what was so important that you needed to talk to me?"

"Well, I know I should've told you this over the phone but I just want to do it in person. Charlie, I'm so sorry for whatever I did to you." Jordan says, looking into my eyes with sad ones.

"Is that all?" I simply asked crossing my arms. "Well no, It's Zoey." He says which made me scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Please don't bring that bitch's name up," I said rolling my eyes.

"Uh well, I have to. For you and your family safe. Um, Zoey has become overly obsessed with you and Joe." Jordan says.

"You just realizing that know Jordan, come-" I cut myself off by clearing my throat, trying to calm my nerves. "Continue please" 

Jordan nodded, "Okay, um I don't want you to think I'm part of this because I'm not, you know me enough to know I'm not crazy." he says which made me look away from him while stroking the back of my neck.

"Okay  maybe i'm crazy but not on the level of Zoey's crazy. Charlie, I've tried everything in my power to stop her. The reason that I called you is that she's been stalking you and your family. I got copies of the stalking photos she's been taking." Jordan says, showing me pictures of me, Joe, Alex, and my family. I covered my mouth when I saw pictures of the house, of my parents, of me, even pictures of Alex outside playing or at school.

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